Jubilee Talkies 25th June 2024 Written Update: Shivangi and her mother reach Jubilee talkies

Jubilee Talkies 25th June 2024 Written Update on SerialGossip.in

The episode starts with Shivangi seeing the theatre is set on fire. Shivangi says to her mother about it. Shivangi’s mother tries to stop Shivangi from going towards the fire but Shivangi doesn’t listen to her. Shivangi’s mother has heart attack. Shivangi comes to her mother. Jadav sees the Sangam theatre on fire and thinks now both Shivangi and her mother will pay the price for going against her. Chandu thinks both Shivangi and her mother will die in this fire.

Shivangi worries for her mother. Shivangi sees Ayaan Grover saying in the movie not to give up until her last heart beat. Shivangi encourages herself. Shivang recalls one of the door is loose. Shivangi breaks the door Shivangi takes her mother out of the theatre.

Jadav asks Chandu to write this theatre on his name and take his money tomorrow. Chandu agrees. Chandu sees Shivangi and her mother coming out of the fire and says to Jadav about it. Jadav comments on them.

Shivangi recalls the Sangam papers are inside. Shivangi goes into the fire and brings out the papers along with her father’s photo.

Shivangi’s mother asks Shivangi why did she go into the fire. Shivangi says she went into the fire to get these papers and says only these papers prove that this Sangam theatre belongs to them.

Shivangi’s mother sees there is a gasoline can outside the theatre and understands someone set the fire to their Sangam theatre. Shivangi recalls about Chandu’s words. Shivangi asks her mother not to worry and says until they have these papers nobody can steal this Sangam theatre from them.

Chandu asks Shivangi for the papers. Shivangi’s mother tries to hit Chandu but Jadav interrupts her and asks Shivangi for the papers. Jadav shows the gun to Shivangi and her mother and says he will kill them if they don’t give the papers to him. Shiavangi steps forward to give the papers. Shivangi hits Jadav with her father’s photo and injures Jadav. Shivangi and her mother escape from Jadav and his men. Jadav’s men search for Shivangi and her mother but they don’t find them.

Shivangi and her mother hide in water tank truck to escape from Jadav and his men. The water tank truck driver fills the truck with water and leaves from there. Shivangi’s mother thinks they lost everything. Shivangi encourages her mother saying they are there for each other. Chandu asks Jadav not to worry as he doesn’t think they will
come back after what happened. The water truck leaves the village and goes to Jubilee talkies.

Shivangi and her mother see the truck has stopped they come out to see where has the truck stopped. Shivangi calls out her mother as she sees that it is safe.

Shivangi and her mother see that there is a shooting going on. Shivangi sees Raju Madam teaching a lesson to someone as he tries to steal the clothes from the set. Shivangi sees they are in Jubilee talkies. Ayaan Grover enters Jubliee talkies.

Episode ends.

Precap:- Shivangi tries to meet Ayaan Groove and accidentally takes his bracelet.

Ayaan sees his bracelet to a lady and says to his men that he wants his bracelet and asks them to find Shivangi.

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