Kaise Mujhe Tum Mil Gaye 1st July 2024 Written Update: Amruta does Vata Savitri Vrath for Virat

Kaise Mujhe Tum Mil Gaye 1st July 2024 Written Update on SerialGossip.in

The episode starts with Amruta asking the doctor about Virat’s condition. The doctor says to Amruta that they stopped the operation and says the wound is really deep and says they will do the operation tomorrow. The doctor says they will shift Virat to ICU and says they can meet him there. Amruta looks at Virat and worries about him.

Priyanka asks Babita why wasn’t he saying anything when Chiknesh family was blaming her for Virat’s condition. Babita says if she knew Virat will be in this condition due to her then she would have never brought her here. Priyanka asks Babita to stop pretending as if she cares for her son and says she just wants to control Virat like a puppet and says that is also what she did when Virat and Priyanka were married. Babita comments on Priyanka and asks Priyanka to pray to God that nothing will happen to her son and says if anything happens to Virat she will not leave her. Priyanka thinks Virat should live and thinks she can’t live in a slum.

Amruta comes to the ICU and compliants on Virat to Dildar and comments on Virat. Dildar says to Amruta that if Virat opens his eyes it will be only due to Amruta and her prayer and comments on it.

The nurse gives a broken bangle of Amruta and says Virat held it in this hand when he was brought to the hospital. Amruta recalls Virat broke this bangle.

Jahan sees Amruta coming to her house. Bhavani and Jahan talk about Vata Savitri Vrath. Jahan asks Bhavani if she is going to do this Vrath for Jayesh. Bhavani says yes. Amruta overhears their conversation. Amruta asks Bhavani why is she doing this Vrath for Jayesh. Bhavani says to Amruta that no matter what Jayesh is their father and says he doesn’t want anything to happen to him. Jahan asks Bhavani how to do the Vata Savitri Vrath. Bhavani explains the complete process on how to do the Vata Savitri Vrath to Jahan. Amruta overhears their conversation. Jahan asks Bhavani if her nephew’s husband will be good if her nephew does this Vrath. Bhavani says yes and comments on it. Bhavani says this Vrath is done by married woman for their husband’s well being and comments on it.

The next day, Bhavani and Jahan get ready to do the Vata Savitri Vrath. Both of them see Amruta wearing a red colour saree and they think Amruta will do the Vrath for Virat.

Amruta gives the Kalash to Bhavani. Bhavani asks Amruta if she is not going to do the Vrath for Virat. Amruta says no and comments on it. Jahan offers tea to Amruta but she doesn’t drink the tea and says she has to go to meet Dildar in the hospital and leaves from there.

All the apartment ladies come to do the Vata Savitri Vrath. Ishika sees Bhavani and Amruta have also come to do the Vata Savitri Vrath. Ishika says to herself that she will not allow Bhavani to do the Vata Savitri Vrath as this right belongs to her.

Bhavani starts telling the story of Satyavan and Savitri. Priyanka comes and says Savitri has the right to do the Vrath for Satyavaan because Savitri is wife of Satyavaan and says Amruta has no right to do this Vrath and says this right belongs to her. Priyanka tries to the Pooja plate from Amruta but Amruta doesn’t give her the plate.

Episode ends.

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