Kaise Mujhe Tum Mil Gaye 28th October 2024 Written Update: Virat tends to Amruta’s wounds

Kaise Mujhe Tum Mil Gaye 28th October 2024 Written Update on SerialGossip.in

The episode starts with Amruta shooting a flame arrow at Rajiv. Rajiv’s back catches fire, and his face also gets burnt. Rajiv leaves from there. Amruta and Virat chase Rajiv, but Amruta falls on the road. Virat stops to help her. A car stops by Rajiv and throws a water bottle to him. Rajiv puts out the fire with the water, gets into the car, and leaves. Virat shouts at Rajiv. Amruta tells Virat that they should go to Nimrit.

In the Ahuja house, Harsha says he will check on Nimrit, but Babita stops him. Dildar tells Babita that they need to know if Nimrit should go to the hospital or not and asks Harsha to check on her. Harsha agrees. After examining Nimrit, he says she has inhaled a lot of smoke and needs intubation, which they can do at home. Harsha goes to arrange it. Later, Amruta asks Harsha how Nimrit is. Harsha says Nimrit is fine and tells Amruta it’s a good thing she saved her on time. Shekar and Virat take Nimrit to her room. Dildar folds his hands and thanks Amruta for saving Nimrit, saying he is indebted to her for saving Nimrit’s life.

Wendy tells Bhavani that Virat will no longer hesitate to leave Amruta. Wendy says the Ahuja family only uses Amruta like a tissue. She comments on how Amruta, without thinking of herself, jumped into the fire to save Nimrit. Jahan tells Wendy to stop badmouthing the Ahuja family, saying she doesn’t live there and doesn’t know the truth. Jayesh, who lives there, says he knows the truth. Jayesh criticizes Bhavani, saying she is responsible for Amruta’s situation, reminding her of how she accepted Virat as her son-in-law. Wendy agrees with Jayesh and says Harsha told her how Bhavani supported Virat when Jahan and Harsha were against him. Wendy adds that Amruta should have a fear of losing Bhavani if she stays with Virat. Bhavani worries that if Amruta chooses to stay with Virat, she won’t survive. Jayesh says the problem is that no one in the Ahuja family loves Amruta. He’s certain Amruta is somewhere tending to her wounds alone. Jayesh tells Bhavani they will go to the Ahuja house to see if he’s right. If he is, Bhavani will take Amruta away immediately; if he’s wrong, he won’t say a word. Jayesh, Bhavani, and Wendy arrive at the Ahuja house doorstep.

Jayesh enters the Ahuja house and sees Amruta tending to her wounds alone. He asks Bhavani to come in and see that he was right. Bhavani enters and sees Virat bringing a first aid box to Amruta. Virat tells Amruta he knows she wants him to stay with Nimrit and care for her, but he won’t leave her side. Wendy and Jayesh see Virat tending to Amruta. Bhavani leaves. Wendy tells Jayesh that Virat might know they were coming, so he’s putting on an act. Wendy and Jayesh leave.

Virat praises Amruta for always treating his and Nimrit’s problems as her own and fighting for them. He thanks her, but Amruta tells him there’s no need to thank the person who… Virat understands what she means and teases her about it. Dildar arrives and tells Virat that he’ll pamper Amruta a bit and asks him to mix orange juice into the pineapple juice, just the way Amruta likes. Virat agrees and leaves.

Episode ends.

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