Kavya 25th June 2024 Written Update: Giriraj makes a deal with Seema

Kavya 25th June 2024 Written Update on SerialGossip.in

The episode starts with Kavya saying to Adi that she will stay in the village and comments on Adi. Kavya leaves from there.

Adi calls Raghav his friend and he is shown to be a head of news channel. Adi says to Raghav that he needs a favour from him.

Mathur asks Kavya why didn’t she take rest in the guest house when he made all the arrangements. Kavya says to Mathur that she wants death report of the child who was killed here and inventory of all the primary medicine centres in this village. Mathur agrees and leaves from there.

Mishra comes to Giriraj and reveals to Giriraj that that he is going to become MP pretty soon and says he is going to get the party ticket as he donated Rs 2 crores in the party fund and he failed to get any money from teacher’s scam. Mishra mocks Giriraj and leaves from there. Giriraj thinks he has to do something so that he can get the MP ticket. Seems comes to Giriraj and says to Giriraj she will help him in it. Giriraj gets surprised seeing Seema and actress right infront of her.

Kavya sees in the news that that villagers are angry when Kavya took her posting in the Babuwa village and blames Kavya for the unrest in the village. Rajiv thinks how could the news channel get this news.

Adi sees the news and apologises to Kavya in his heart for doing this against her and thinks he is only doing this to protect her and the baby.

Kavya gets a call and later reveals to Rajiv that she got transferred to Sachivalai. Kavya feels hurt as her dreams of changing the government has been destroyed with this punishment posting and all she can do is move files here and there.

Adi comes to Kavya. Kavya hugs Adi and complaints to Adi about her punishment posting. Kavya asks Adi to look at the bright side and says she can be in Lucknow where it is good for both the baby and her. Adi leaves from there. Rajiv asks Kavya if she thinks Adi did it. Kavya says no.

Shubh calls Kavya and asks Kavya if she is alright. Kavya says yes and asks Shubh to find out who leaked this news to the news channel. Shubh agrees. Shubh calls Raghav and acts as if he is party member of Adi and enquires about if Adi leaked the news.

Giriraj greets Seema and flirts with her. Seema says to Giriraj that she will arrange the money that he has to deposit for the party fund. Seema says to Giriraj that in return he needs to do something for her.

When Kavya is leaving the village all the village people shout slogans against Kavya. Kavya leaves in car along with Adi from the village. Mathur comes to the lady who slapped Kavya and says Kavya gave her this letter. Kavya says to the lady that she will remember this slap and says she will try to make sure that anything like this doesn’t happen in the future here and says she will do anything for it.

Shubh calls Kavya and reveals to Kavya that Adi is the one who leaked that news to the news reporter. Shubh says he also sent the recording of his conversation with Raghav and asks Kavya to hear it.

Seema says to Giriraj that government medicine will not go to medicine centre instead it will go to private hospital and sold for half the price. Seema says to Giriraj in this way they will get a lot of profit. Giriraj says to Seema that if they get caught there will be a lot of problem. Seema comments on it. Giriraj says to Seema that if Kavya knows something like this is going on then she will not leave it. Seema shows to Giriraj that Kavya has been transferred. Giriraj agrees to Seema’s deal and says he will give her the position of Energy minister just like she asked him.

Malini calls Adi. Adi says to Malini that he is returning with Kavya and asks Malini not to worry. Adi gets down from the car to buy a water bottle. Kavya asks the driver to drive away leaving Adi on the road.

Episode ends.

Precap:- Kavya questions Adi how did the reporter in Delhi know about what happened in Babuwa village. Kavya asks Adi what did he get by doing this. Adi says to Kavya that he is just trying to protect her. Kavya says to Adi that he is trying to control her life and says he is just like his father.

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