Kavya 2th July 2024 Written Update: Adi allows Shubh and Anubha to do Sangeet ceremony in his home

Kavya 2th July 2024 Written Update on SerialGossip.in

The episode starts with Kavya getting a scolding from the secretary as she has no right to go into the field but she still went into the field. The secretary warns Kavya that if she goes into the field again then he will take disciplinary action against her. Seema takes a stand for Kavya and asks the secretary to give Kavya to her. The secretary agrees. Kavya and Seema leave out of the secretary cabin.

Kavya thanks Seema for her help. Seema says to Kavya that only she can trust her in this matter. Seema gives a note to Kavya and leaves from there. Kavya sees that on the note it is written a truck is taking medicine consignment and it is going to be attacked by some thieves. Kavya seeing the note calls Shubh and asks Shubh to come to her. Shubh agrees.

Adi at the lunch break decides to eat food with Kavya. Adi asks Shubh what is he doing here. Shubh says Kavya called him.

Shubh comes to Kavya’s cabin. Adi says to Kavya that he came here to eat food with her. Kavya says to Adi that she is little busy and asks Adi to leave from here. Adi leaves from there. Kavya shows the note to Shubh and says to Shubh that he needs to go and catch these thieves. Shubh agrees.

Kavya sees the food sent by Adi and she eats that food and she puts aside the food given to her by Shubh.

Giriraj asks Seema what is she trying to do by giving the information about medicine consignment to Kavya. Seema says she gave that information so that Kavya will be distracted with that consignment and the bigger consignment will have no trouble.

Anubha comes to Adi to give him a wedding card and invites Adi to her Sangeet. Anubha gets a call saying that her Snageet venue has been cancelled as the advance payment to the venue hasn’t been done. Adi learns about it and says to Anubha that he knows where is Shubh as Anubha worries where is Shubh.

Adi brings Anubha to Shubh and Kavya. Anubha complaints to Shubh as he forgot to make the down payment and says now there is no more venue for the Sangeet. Shubh apologises to Anubha. Adi says to Anubha that he has venue for her Sangeet and says it is his house. Anubha agrees. Shubh also agrees. Anubha after talking to Shubh learns Kavya has given him work to do as she doesn’t know today is his Sangeet. Shubh leaves from there and Anubha also leaves from there.

Adi calls Malini and reveals to Malini that Shubh and Anubha’s Sangeet is going to happen in their home and he did it so that Kavya will come to his home. Malini comments on Adi.

Adi calls Kavya and invites Kavya to Shubh and Anubha’s Sangeet ceremony. Kavya says she will not come. Adi asks Kavya to send junior Pradhan. Kavya agrees.

Episode ends.

Precap:- Adi asks Shubh to stay away from his wife.

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