Krishna Mohini 16th June 2024 Written Update: Mohan gets hospitalised

Krishna Mohini 16th June 2024 Written Update on

Episode begins with Mohan tells Krishna that let him speak today and not stop him if she don’t want to lose him then. He leaves from there. Krishna cries. Anuradha tells Krishna that today everyone will turn against Mohan and Mohan need Krishna’s support badly. She asks Krishna to become wings for Mohan so he can breathe peacefully. Krishna asks Anuradha to stop it. She says that Mohan turned like this because of Anuradha. She adds that Anuradha snatched Krishna from her and she won’t forgive Anuradha never.

Mohan recalls that how Krishna promised to not leave his side always. He screams that Krishna broke her promise. He slips and falls down. He gets injured. Sid sees this and gets worried about Mohan. He decides to take Mohan to the hospital.

Krishna asks Anuradha that why the latter did this with Mohan. She says that Mohan is kid and he can’t tolerate society tantrums. She adds that Mohan is normal still he is facing many problems. Anuradha asks Krishna that what is normal and what is abnormal. She says that they are also humans so why they don’t have rights to take decision. She adds that she did not expect this from Krishna, because Mohan said Krishna will support him always. Krishna says that she will go to Mohan. Anuradha gives letter to Krishna. She says that Mohan wrote this speech and Krishna should know what Mohan feels.

Aryaman learns that one of the student got injured. He sees Sid with Mohan. He asks Sid that what happened to Mohan. Sid tells Aryaman that Mohan fell down from stairs. Aryaman asks Sid that whether the latter is behind this. Sid says that he is not goon. They takes Mohan to the hospital.

Krishna learns about Mohan’s accident. She calls Aryaman and learns that Aryaman is taking Mohan to the hospital.

Namit asks Anuradha that what will happen to Mohan’s fashion show. Anuradha says that Mohan made this outfit with so many dreams and seems like Mohan’s dream won’t get fulfilled.

Aryaman and Sid admits Mohan in the hospital. Krishna comes there and asks Aryaman that what happened. Aryaman tells Krishna that doctor is treating Mohan. She blames herself for Mohan’s condition. He asks her that what happened in the college. Doctor comes there and says that Mohan is in critical condition. Aryaman tells Krishna that they will save Mohan. Mohan tells Krishna that she need not to get insulted so she should be happy. Krishna asks him to not say like that. Doctor takes Mohan for surgery.

Piya tells her family about Mohan’s accident. Kundan says that he should be worried but he is angry. They wonders where is Krishna. Meghan says that Krishna must be with Aryaman. Anuradha announces that fashion show will begin and theme is colors of life.

Krishna prays to God for Mohan. She recalls Mohan’s words and cries. She takes a decision and leaves the hospital.

Episode ends.

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