Krishna Mohini 18th June 2024 Written Update: Ananya witness Aryaman and Krishna’s romance

Krishna Mohini 18th June 2024 Written Update on

Episode begins with Aryaman makes Krishna sit and tells her to eat food. He says that he is noticing Krishna and she is not eating well. He assures her that Mohan is fine now. He tells her that she need strength to take care of Mohan. Krishna e+aats food. She thinks that Aryaman supports her and cares about her but she don’t deserve that. She feels guilty for hiding Mohan’s truth from Aryaman. He moves to get tissue. She kisses him on his cheek by mistake. They gets shocked with it. She tells him that she will eat later. She turns around and gets shocked seeing Ananya there.

Ananya pushes Krishna’s food plate. Aryaman asks Ananya that what is this. Ananya tauntingly asks him that whether she interrupted his romance. Everyone comes there. Kundan asks what’s happening. Ananya scolds Krishna for kissing Aryaman. Krishna says that nothing like that happened. Ananya says that she is not blind. She tells Krishna that the latter planned everything to marry Aryaman. Aryaman asks Ananya to stop talking nonsense.

Ananya asks him that why he is betraying her for Krishna. Aryaman asks her to not say anything. Kundan asks Aryaman to explain what exactly happened. Aryaman says that he won’t give any explanation because nothing big happened. Ananya tells him that he made promise to marry her but he is romancing with Krishna. Aryaman tells her that he agreed to marry her for family happiness.

Krishna tells Ananya that nothing like that happened. Aryaman asks Krishna to not explain. Ananya asks Aryaman to tell Krishna to leave the house. She says that they will hire another maid. Aryaman tells Ananya that Krishna is his wife, not maid. Krishna says that it’s not matter what she is and she will leave the house. Aryaman tells Krishna that his house is her house too so she need not to go anywhere.

Rajshri asks him that what is he doing. She says that Krishna has to leave after 6 months anyway. Aryaman says that he is not understanding what to say. Ananya asks Aryaman that whether he fell for Krishna. She tells Srijila that Aryaman is fooling them. Aryaman says that he don’t know about his feelings for Krishna but he never had feelings for Ananya. He adds that Ananya is just his friend.

Srijila asks Ananya to accept the reality at least now. Ananya tells Aryaman that he is betrayer like his father Bharat. Aryaman gets angry hearing this. He says that he is exactly opposite of Bharat. Kundan says that it’s time for their family to get separated. Rajshri asks him to not say like that. She tells Aryaman to handle everything. Aryaman says that he is tired of all this. He adds that he is ready to leave the house but he can’t tolerate wrong happen with innocent. Krishna asks them to not fight due to her. Rajshri blames Krishna for everything. Kundan says that he will divide the property.

Later, Krishna talks to Anuradha about doctor. She tells Mohan that they will leave Aryaman house. Mohan gets happy that he can become a girl. He hugs Krishna. Sid overhears their conversation. He thinks that he has to take revenge on Krishna for the slap.

Episode ends.

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