Krishna Mohini 24th June 2024 Written Update: Mohan runs away from the hospital

Krishna Mohini 24th June 2024 Written Update on

Episode begins with Sid asks Mohan to not worry about surgery because he will give money for surgery. Mohan tells Sid that Krishna is arranging money for his surgery. Sid tells Mohan that Krishna won’t come. Mohan says that that’s not possible. He tells Sid that the latter must be joking. Sid says that Aryaman refused to give Jagran money to Krishna. Mohan asks why Aryaman did like that. Sid says that Aryaman hate people like Mohan. He reminds Mohan that how Aryaman behaved with Anuradha. Mohan asks whether Krishna did not tell Aryaman that he can die if his treatment got stopped in the middle then. Sid says that Krishna told everything to Aryaman but Aryaman said he don’t care about it. He tells Mohan that he know Aryaman since childhood and Aryaman is such a stubborn and egotist person. He adds that he thinks Krishna joined hands with Aryaman.

On the other hand, Aryaman finds unconscious Krishna. He notices that Krishna is bleeding and he takes her from there. He notices his car tyre is punctured. He decides to call the doctor but there is no network there. He puts Krishna on the bed and tells her that he will take her to the hospital once storm ends. He rubs Krishna’s hands and legs. He hugs her to rub her shoulder. Sid’s man records this and send this to Sid. He tells Mohan that it has been proved that Krishna don’t care about the latter. Mohan watches the video. Sid asks Mohan to not watch it. Mohan asks how Sid got this video. Sid says that he hired a man to spy on Aryaman. He adds that he did not expect Aryaman and Krishna will romance when Mohan is in this condition. Mohan says that may be it’s an misunderstanding. Sid tells Mohan to accept Krishna don’t care about the latter if she don’t come to the hospital tomorrow morning then.

Next day, Krishna wakes up and wonders what is she doing there. Aryaman also wakes up and tells her everything. Krishna says that Mohan must be waiting for her and she don’t have money. He asks her to relax because he will give money. He says that he will take her to the hospital. They leaves from there.

Mohan tells Sid that he never thought Krishna will do like this. Sid says that Aryaman influenced Krishna. Mohan says that he won’t forgive Aryaman and Krishna.

Aryaman and Krishna reaches the hospital and learns that Mohan ran away. They searches Mohan. Krishna is about to meet with an accident but Aryaman saves her. She says that she don’t know where is Mohan and cries. He tells her that they will find Mohan.

Rajshri tells Dadi that it’s Aryaman’s birthday but his phone is switched off. Kundan tells Ketan to find Aryaman’s last location. Sid enters the house. Anshuman asks Sid that whether the latter know about Aryaman. Sid asks how he would know. He goes to his room and tells someone that he want to go to America. He says that it will be problem if junior doctor said anything then. Kundan comes there and asks the latter is talking about what.

Episode ends.

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