Krishna Mohini 28th June 2024 Written Update: Aryaman demands kiss from Krishna

Krishna Mohini 28th June 2024 Written Update on

Episode begins with Dadi tells Kundan and Rajshri that they did not accept Krishna, still Krishna saved her life by risking her own life. Srijila hopes Aryaman and Krishna don’t reunite both families. Kundan tells Krishna that he can’t repay for what she did by saving his mother. Rajshri tells Krishna that she became blind in anger. She apologizes to Krishna for her behaviour towards the latter. She gives Krishna’s hand in Aryaman’s hand. She says that she accepted Krishna as her daughter in law. Srijila thinks that Krishna won Kundan’s heart too.

Eight months later, Krishna feels bad when her and Mohan’s photo frame broke. She says that she is not understanding why it broke now. And says that she can’t believe she lost Mohan. She thinks that she will ask Mohan from Lord Krishna if she ever got chance then. She says that she miss Mohan so much and no one can fill his place in her life.

Piya comes there and tells Krishna that Aryaman is going to sing a song for the latter today in the party. She leaves from there. Aryaman tells Piya that Krishna is taking advantage of his love by coming late. He goes to the stage and starts singing. Krishna comes downstairs. He goes to her and dances with her while singing. Everyone claps.

Meghna tauntingly tells Srijila that it’s so sweet. Srijila says that she may get diabetic. Dadi says that they got happiness after long time and she hopes it don’t get ruined. Kundan says that nothing will happen to their happiness. He adds that Ananya is going to marry next year so he is happy. Rajshri asks Isha to take care because the latter is pregnant.

Srijila calls Sid and asks him that where is he. She says that her stomach was burning seeing Aryaman and Krishna’s dance performance. Sid tells her that he is on the way and blast will be big this time. He says that he prepared everything to bring storm in Aryaman and Krishna’s life. She asks him that what he did. Kundan comes there and takes the phone from Srijila. He asks Sid that when the latter will come. Sid tells Kundan that he is coming. Kundan says that they are waiting and disconnects the call.

Aryaman drags Krishna aside. Krishna tells Aryaman that anyone can see them. He tells her that she is his wife and he has rights on her. He demands kiss from her. She gets surprised hearing him. One girl sees Aryaman and Krishna. Krishna notices this and she tells about it to Aryaman. But Aryaman refuses to believe her and asks her to not make excuse to escape from the kiss. He kisses her. She runs from there. He follows her.

Anshuman says that he arranged special singing performance to celebrate Aryaman and Krishna’s marriage anniversary. One girl wearing mask comes to the stage and starts singing while dancing. She dances around Krishna. Krishna asks that girl who is the latter.

Episode ends.

Precap  – Aryaman asks Krishna to remove the mask of that girl. That girl introduces herself as Mohini.

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