Krishna Mohini 30th June 2024 Written Update: Mohini plans Aryaman and Krishna’s separation

Krishna Mohini 30th June 2024 Written Update on

Episode begins with Krishna tells Aryaman that it’s not time for romance. She gets off the bed and tells him that they will take Mohini with them. Aryaman asks her that how can he romance with her in the car if they took Mohini with them then. She laughs and tells him that he is shameless. She asks him to get ready and leaves from there. She goes to Mohini’s room and notices that Mohini is sleeping the way Mohan sleeps. She takes Mohan’s name. Mohini asks what. Krishna asks Mohini that why the latter responded hearing Mohan’s name. Mohini says that she heard Mohini. Krishna asks Mohini to get ready because she will take the latter to studio. Mohini calls Krishna as Didi. She says that Krishna is elder to her that’s why she called Krishna like that. Krishna nods at Mohini.

Srijila talks to Kundan about Sid’s marriage. Kundan flirts with her. She asks him that what happened to him. He tells her that let Sid decide his wife. She tells him that Sid don’t know anything. He says that there is a possibility that Sid has a girlfriend in London. She tells him that Sid will marry her choice girl and leaves from there.

Meanwhile, Sid does exercise. Mohini comes there and tells Sid that she missed him. She says that they were together in London all the time and hugs him. He tells her that she is his love but they should stay away from each other for their plan. He reminds her that what Aryaman and Krishna did with the latter. He says Aryaman and Krishna has no guilt and celebrated their marriage anniversary. She tells him that she will take her revenge. She hides hearing footsteps.

Srijila enters the room and shows girls photos to Sid. Sid tells her that he don’t want to get married now. She asks him that whether he has girlfriend in London. He shook his head. He takes the photos from her. She leaves from there. Mohini tears those photos. She asks Sid that won’t he marry her. Sid tells her that he will tell Srijila about the latter at right time. He says that Mohini should take her revenge first.

Krishna makes Mohan’s favorite dish. Kundan asks Aryaman about today’s audition. Aryaman tells Kundan that Krishna managed everything. Rajshri asks Krishna to think about her grandchild too. Krishna gets shy hearing this. Mohini refuses to eat her favorite dish. She says that she loves Indian food. Srijila asks Mohini about the latter’s parents. Mohini says that she lost her parents 8 years back so she lives alone. Isha faints after drinking juice. Everyone gets shocked seeing this. Mohini recalls that how she mixed sugar in Isha’s juice. She thinks that she will go with Aryaman alone for audition.

Later, doctor says that Isha’s sugar level increased. Rajshri asks Isha to not eat sweets. Kundan leaves for meeting. Krishna tells Rajshri that she will stay with Isha. Mohini asks Aryaman to take her with him if he has no problem then. She thinks that she will separate Krishna and Aryaman. Aryaman takes Mohini with him in his car.

Episode ends.

Precap  – Priest tells Krishna to be careful because she will be betrayed by her loved ones. He says that Krishna will lose her precious relationship.

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