Krishna Mohini 8th May 2024 Written Update: Srijila helps Krishna

Krishna Mohini 8th May 2024 Written Update on

Episode begins with Krishna asks Mohan to not worry because in the evening Rajesh will let them enter the house. Mohan tells Krishna that, that won’t happen and they are alone from today. She tells him that they have each other. She promises to handle everything. She asks him to focus on the game only. He tells her that he will do what he decided to do. He goes inside the school. He thinks that from today Krishna won’t face any problem because of him. She wonders why she feels like something bad is going to happen and leaves from there.

On the other hand, Sid tells Srijila that she ruined everything. He says that they need Krishna to stop Aryaman and Ananya’s marriage. Srijila agrees with him. Meanwhile, Aryaman tells his mother that they can’t fire Krishna from the job without any reason. He says that Krishna need money so he will give money to Krishna. Aryaman’s mother tells him that she know he want to help Krishna so he can send money through Pinkesh. Srijila overhears their conversation. Dadi tells them to show the horoscopes of Aryaman and Ananya to Priest because she want to know why they are facing issues. Aryaman nods at her.

In the temple, Krishna asks Priest to keep Mohan with him when Mohan returns from school. Priest asks her to search job without worrying about Mohan. Pinkesh comes there and tells Krishna to marry him. He reminds her that she don’t have a place to stay. Krishna tells him that she can’t marry him. She asks him to find another job for her because she need money. He tells her that she has to marry him if she want his help then. He moves aside to talk on a phone call. She notices one girl and tells her something. That girl goes to Pinkesh and tells him that she will marry him. Pinkesh gets shocked hearing this and tries to escape from there. She drags him from there.

Srijila calls Krishna and asks her to meet near the temple. Krishna goes to meet Srijila. Srijila tells Krishna that she want the latter to get her job. She asks her to impress Ananya to get job. She says that Krishna should make sure Ananya’s photo shoot happens very well. Krishna nods at her and leaves from there.

Later, Ananya says that she booked a boat for photo shoot but it did not come yet. Krishna comes there in the boat. Pinkesh wonders why Krishna is coming there. Krishna apologizes to Aryaman’s family. She asks them to give another chance to her. Ananya refuses to give chance. Krishna requests them for a chance. Dadi tells her family to get in the boat. Krishna gets happy hearing this. She helps Aryaman’s family to get in the boat. Aryaman is about to fall but Krishna saves him by holding his hand. Ananya and others sees this.

Episode ends.

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