Krishna Mohini 9th May 2024 Written Update: Mohan decides to sell his organs

Krishna Mohini 9th May 2024 Written Update on

The episode begins with Krishna saves Aryaman from falling. Ananya taunts Krishna for holding Aryaman’s hands. Aryaman tells Ananya that Krishna was just helping him. Krishna gives jalebi to everyone. Ananya throws Aryaman’s jalebi away. She tells him that jalebi is so oily and he should take care of his skin. She reminds him that they are getting married in two days. She scolds Krishna for selling jalebi now to earn money. Aryaman asks Ananya to stop it. Ananya asks Krishna that how can they click photos in this weather. Krishna asks Ananya to give her 5 minutes to show her magic. Aryaman’s family poses for photos. Aryaman stares Krishna.

On the other hand, Mohan gets permission from teacher to go to washroom and he leaves from there. He recalls that how Rajesh said he should have died instead of his mother. He writes letter for Krishna. In the letter, Mohan says that he is tired of every day fight and he don’t want to be burden for Krishna so he is leaving her permanently. He cries. Baba comes there and tells Mohan that he understands the latter is in pain. He says that he will help Mohan.

Mohan tells Baba that he don’t want anything for himself. He says that he want to give good life to Krishna. Baba tells Mohan that he will send the latter to a place and Mohan will get money there. He gives visiting card to Mohan. Mohan leaves from there. Baba calls someone and asks that person to remove other organs too along with the kidney.

Kundan tells Krishna that arrangement was good. Krishna leaves from there. Aryaman tells Ananya that they should rehire Krishna. Ananya tells him that no need of it. Dadi asks Krishna to arrange everything for Aryaman and Ananya’s marriage. Krishna gets happy. Dadi tells Krishna to prepare everything for mehendi ceremony. Sid tells Srijila that Aryaman is really happy that Krishna got her job back. He says that Kundan will throw Aryaman out of business and house soon.

Krishna wonders Mohan got selected or not. Meanwhile, Mohan reaches the hospital. He tells ward boy that Baba sent him there. He learns that he has to sell his organs to earn money. He says that he will sell his kidney. Ward boy tells Mohan that the latter will get 2 lakhs.

Mehendi ceremony begins. Sid tells Srijila that they should lock Aryaman and Krishna in the storeroom. Aryaman’s mother gives ancestral necklace to Ananya. Ananya says that she will wear some other day because this necklace is old fashioned and it does not match with her outfit. Aryaman tries to convince Ananya. Aryaman’s mother tells Aryaman to leave it. She asks about Krishna. Krishna comes there with mehendi.

Ward boy tells about Mohan to doctor. Doctor enters the operation theater. Mohan asks Lord Krishna to fulfill Krishna’s wishes.

Episode ends.

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