Krishna Mohini Upcoming Story: Aryaman depressed with Mohan’s Truth Old Memories brought back with the Gender Issue

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Colors TV’S popular hit show Krishna Mohini is all set to keep it’s audience hooked to their screens with it’s high voltage drama. The show is going to witness many interesting twists and turns.

Everyone thinks that Mohan is not going to get the recognition for his work. They then gets shocked hearing a stop from Krishna and wondered about it.

They all see that Krishna is in a cage and gets shocked seeing her. Rajshri says that Krishna always has some drama to do to which she looks on.

Krishna comes out of the cafe wearing the dress that is designed by Mohan. She says that she is here to defeat the rules that is made up by the Society.

Mohan gets Emotional  

Krishna says whatever speech that Mohan has got ready for himself. She then says that she has understood that Society always has something to say.

Aryaman snatches the phone from Sid and shows the entire video Mohan. Krishna then Promises Mohan infront of all that she will always support him while he gets Happy.

Aryaman tells Mohan that he understands that he and Krishna are going through a lot but then Krishna Loves him alot. Mohan gets scared for Krishna.

Krishna decides to get Mohan Surgery done while Aryaman feels depressed with the sudden Truth. He is then hit with the Old Painful Memories.

What will Happen Next?

What will Aryaman do?

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