Krishna Mohini Upcoming Story: Rajshri decides to throw Mohan Out, Krishna decides to Leave with Mohan

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Colors TV’S popular hit show Krishna Mohini is all set to keep it’s audience hooked to their screens with it’s high voltage drama. The show is going to witness many interesting twists and turns.

Krishna tells Mohan that today he is going to show his tallent and tells him that she will Pray for him. She then tells him that she will bring Curd and Sugar for him.

Mohan asks her as to why did she change all of a sudden to which she tells him that she wants all the good for him. She just stopped him from doing wrong thing.

Mohan leaves from there while Krishna goes into the Kitchen to Help while the Help asks her not to do anything as she was scolded because of her.

Mohan decides to come out of the Closet

Mohan comes to Anuradha and apologises to her for Aryaman’s Behaviour. Anuradha tells him that she is used to it and she got her true Love too.

Anuradha tells him that going with what you Love even after people say things is what considered to be Powerful. She gets to know that her Model didn’t come.

Mohan decides to make his identity clear to everyone. Anuradha calls Krishna and asks her to support Mohan. She comes to Mohan and accuses Anuradha. She threatens to cut ties with him.

Mohan tells Krishna that he is choosing himself and doesn’t want her. Sid hears everything and exposes the Truth. Rajshri decides to throw him out while Krishna decides to leave too.

What will Happen Next?

What will Aryaman do?

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