Kumkum Bhagya 16th June 2024 Written Update: Purvi’s attempt to help RV ends in failure

Kumkum Bhagya 16th June 2024 Written Update on SerialGossip.in

The episode starts with Purvi pointing the gun to the terrorists and she asks them to leave RV. RV asks Purvi to put down the gun as her hands are shaking. Purvi throws the gun towards RV. RV shoots at the terrorists. Dushyanth’s agents also shoot at the terrorists. RV takes Purvi away from there.

Dushyanth sees in the news about the terrorist. The reporters question Harleen why is she getting special treatment as no one is allowed to meet the cops. Harman says they are not getting any special treatment and comments on it. The reporters question Malhotra family who is the nurse that went inside. Vikrant says it’s RV’s wife. The reporters report in the news that RV’s wife went into the hotel to save RV as a nurse. Dushyanth asks Monisha over the phone to bring RV’s family to him and says he has CCTV footage of what is going on inside. Monisha agrees.

The terrorists take Purvi hostage. RV asks the cops to leave Purvi. The terrorists take the gun from RV. The main terrorist asks RV if this nurse is the one who talked to him over the phone. RV stays silent. The main terrorist calls the cops and comments on the cops for sending a fake nurse. The main Terrorist asks the cops if this nurse is the woman who talked with RV before. The main terrorist demands the cop for an answer saying if he doesn’t answer him, he will kill her. The cops admit that it is Purvi who talked to RV before. Dushyanth’s agents come to RV and try to take him away but the terrorists notice him. The terrorists asks the cops who are these two people. The cops say they haven’t sent any people. The terrorist says to the cops that he wants to talk to the CM right away and asks the cops to arrange it and cuts the call.

Maddi the main terrorist asks Jaggi and Ajju the other terrorists to take RV and Purvi away from here. They agree and take RV and Purvi away.

Maddi asks Dushyanth’s agents who are they. The terrorists try to catch Dushyanth’s men. Dushyanth’s men run away from there.

The Malhotra family comes to Dushyanth and asks Dushyanth if he can really see what is going on inside the hotel. Dushyanth says to Malhotra family that two of his men are already in the hotel and now the terrorists are trying to catch them. Deepika blames Vikrant for revealing to the reporters that Purvi is RV’s wife. Vikrant says there is no use worrying over spilled milk and comments on it. Dushyanth says right now they have to think of a way to get RV out of the hotel as Purvi might get RV in danger.

Ajju and Jaggi hear bullets firing in the hotel. Ajju and Jaggi tie up Purvi and RV together in a room and leave from there. RV argues with Purvi. Purvi calls RV a liar.

Krishna gets a call from Trishna and hear there has been a terrorist attack at the hotel where he was before. Krishna recalls that RV was present at the hotel and tries to call him. Krishna learns that RV is stuck in the hotel so he leaves to the hotel.

RV asks Purvi why is she calling him a liar. Purvi reminds RV how he told her that he is going to a business meeting and came here with Monisha. RV argues with Purvi about it and calls Ajju asking him untie them as there is a snake here.

Krishna comes to the hotel. The reporters question Krishna. Krishna lashes out at them.

Episode ends.

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