Kundali Bhagya Upcoming Story: Preeta denies to Forgive Varun, decides to Stop The Wedding

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Zee TV’S popular hit show Kundali Bhagya is gearing up for high voltage Drama. The show is witnessing many twists and turns.

Nidhi comes to Karan and tells him that Rajveer has humiliated Shaurya and said that he will Teach him what are manners and take the Property.

Karan tells her that he will have a talk with Rajveer and will ask him whether he has said that. While Nidhi thinks that she has managed to create a Fight between them.

Karan comes to Rajveer and asks him whether he has said such things to Shaurya to which he tells him that he has said those things in Anger to which Karan doesn’t hear.

Preeta takes a Decision

Karan takes Rajveer aside and tells him that he is like the big Brother of Shaurya and he has every right to teach the right thing to Shaurya. He takes him aside..

Karan tells Rajveer that he will make the whole Property on her name to which he denies and tells him that he knows that he Loves him and Preeta.

Shaurya gets furious after Nidhi tells him that Karan has decided to give the Property to Rajveer and decides to Fight for his Rights.

Later Preeta decides to name the Property on Kavya’s Name. Varun Apologises to Preeta while Preeta says that he is scared.

Karan Hopes that Preeta gets her Memory back and they will have a Happy Family together. Preeta denies to Forgive Varun and decides to Stop The Wedding.

What will happen Next?

What will Preeta do now?

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