Kundali Bhagya Upcoming Story: Shaurya decides to Avenge Preeta for slapping, plans with Nidhi

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Zee TV’S popular hit show Kundali Bhagya is gearing up for high voltage Drama. The show is witnessing many twists and turns.

Everyone assemble at the meeting as it is going to be the Day where they are going to get the tender. Karan however is very sure that he will get the tender.

Karan looks at the Boss with pride as he is very trustful of Rajveer while Shaurya is waiting for the Drama to unveil and to have Rajveer get Humiliated there.

Karan gets excited as he said that he is going to announce who is the one that has gotten Tender but then gets shocked hearing the verdict.

Shaurya blames Rajveer

The man gives the tender to someone else shocking Karan and the Gang. This is the least he had expected. He was soo surr about this while Shaurya enjoys it.

Shaurya then blames Rajveer for it and says that he must have had done something that led to them loosing the tender. He with his wicked mind gets the search done.

Preeta warns Shaurya to prove Rajveer’s Innocence to which he denies and gets slapped by her. He decides to avenge Preeta for it. Varun and Nidhi comes forward to help him.

What will happen Next?

What will Preeta do now?

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