Maati Se Bandhi Dor 11th June 2024 Written Update: Rannvijay feels Jaya’s presence

Maati Se Bandhi Dor 11th June 2024 Written Update on

The episode starts with Kaveri getting excited hearing Rannvijay is coming to meet Vaiju. Durga feels upset but pretends to look happy. Vaiju smiles dreaming while Jaya on other hand sits crying. She thinks Rannvijay will never forgive her but this was only way to make him forget her so that he can accept Vaiju’s love. Vaiju calls Jaya and says that Rannvijay is coming to meet her next day. She says that she is feeling nervous and cannot handle the situation alone. Vaiju requests Jaya to come and help her and denies meeting Rannvijay without her presence.

Jaya agrees to come and asks Vaiju not to delay meeting him. Rannvijay says Vasundhara that he is going to meet Vaiju and if he should ask anything to her. Vasundhara tells him to be honest and take decision on his own and not under her pressure. But his father comes there and tells that he wants to stop his son from making a big mistake. He tells Rannvijay to first come out of his heartbroken state and marry one he loves. But he says that the one he loves doesn’t love him back.

Rannvijay tells that he is only going to meet Vaiju for now and will take his decision after proper thinking. Kaveri asks Vaiju why she is so scared. Jaya also comes there and hugs her. Kaveri tells Jaya to handle Vaiju and she goes to make tea for Rannvijay. Jaya notices her painting and clothes so removes them before Rannvijay comes. Jaya sees their photos on wall and is about to take them down but Vaiju comes at same time. Jaya tells that she will make tea and Vaiju should just serve it. She asks Vaiju to meet Rannvijay alone.

Jaya suggests that Kaveri and Durga along with her should come to temple and let Rannvijay meet Vaiju alone so that they get privacy. Durga objects her decision but Kaveri takes her along. Vaiju says Jaya to stay with her but the latter makes her understand that she needs to stay alone. Jaikant tells Rannvijay that he will also come with him as he also has to apologise to Vaiju. Rannvijay denies and says now he is going alone. Vaiju practices how she will talk to Rannvijay once he comes. She feels nervous as she sees his car at doorstep.

Vaiju smiles happily seeing Rannvijay coming. Piya Tose Naina plays in the background. Jaya sits in temple thinking about Rannvijay and says she is ready to go away from him but feels hurt too. Jaya tells that she will accept the pain as nothing is more important that Vaiju for her. She prays that Rannvijay should accept Vaiju. She rushes to home to remove the photos from wall. Rannvijay asks Vaiju about her family and she tells they are at temple. She goes to get tea for Rannvijay when Jaya reaches there and tries to hide from Rannvijay. He smells her perfume and looks around. The episode ends with Rannvijay looking for Jaya.


Vaiju offers sugarcane to Rannvijay and says she doesn’t know to work at kitchen but can do all work at fields. Rannvijay will say that her habits are similar to Vasundhara.

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