Main Hoon Aparajita 22nd March 2023 Written Update: Mohini calls NGO women to throw Aparajita out of the house

Main Hoon Aparajita 22nd March 2023 Written Update On

The episode starts with Aparajita saying to Dadi that she swears to God that she will protect Dadi and their family from any kind of trouble. Aparajita also swears that she will make sure that whoever did this to her will be destroyed. Mohini thinks she should send Dadi away and thinks if Dadi is alive then it will be trouble for her.

Akshay brings the doctor to Dadi. The doctor checks Dadi and says this is not a simple paralysis attack and says this might be a side effect of some medicine overdose. Mohini asks the doctor if he is saying that someone tried to kill Dadi. Akshay says to Mohini that he is talking to the doctor. Akshay asks the doctor what will he suggests. The doctor suggests to admit Dadi in the hospital. Mohini thinks this is good and thinks with this she can send Dadi away.

Aparajita thinks if Dadi is sent to the hospital then she also has to go with Dadi then Mohini might do something to her daughters. Aparajita asks the doctor if Dadi can get treated in the house. Doctor says it is possible. Doctor says he will order the equipment to this house and he will come and check on her from time to time. The doctor writes a few tests for Dadi and gives it to Akshay to find out which medicine Dadi got overdosed.

Mohini thinks if the test results come out then they will find out the name of the medicine and everything will come out. Mohini thinks she has to do something. Mohini asks Nia to calm down and asks her not to worry as Aparajita is in this house. Nia gets tensed hearing that Aparajita is in this house. Mohini calls for Akshay. Akshay comes to Nia and tries to calm her down. Mohini while asking Nia to calm down it looks like she is telling Nia what to do. Akshay tries to calm down Nia by saying to Nia that she doesn’t have a threat from Aparajita.

Aparajita says to Dadi that she came here and now the equipment is also set and asks Dadi to wake up quickly. Asha and Chavi say to Aparajita that they got a lot of courage seeing her and asks Aparajita not to leave them again. Aparajita says she will never leave them until she has her breath. Aparajita asks Asha to go and call Akshay and says he will also understand how the machine is working after checking it out. Asha goes to call Akshay.Disha asks Aparajita how did she escape from the guards that Mohini sent for her. Aparajita says an angel came and saved her.

It is shown that when Aparajita is troubled with the guards. Arjun comes in a disguise as a police inspector and saves Aparajita from the guards. Arjun threatens the guards and sends them away. Aparajita thanks Arjun for saving her from the guards.

Aparajita praises Arjun infront of Disha and Chavi. Arjun comes and asks Dadi how is she? Aparajita says to Dadi that Arjun came. Arjun tries to talk to Dadi but she doesn’t give any response. Arjun leaves from there.

Asha comes to Nia and asks Nia how can she hurt herself like this. Asha says to Nia that she is misunderstanding Aparajita. Nia says to Asha that she and her mother are opportunists. Asha argues with Nia. Arjun and Akshay stop their argument. Akshay takes Asha away from there. Arjun tries to cheer up Nia by telling her a joke. Nia says it’s a bad joke and cries to herself.

NGO women come to Akshay’s home. Akshay asks the NGO women why did they come here? NGO women say they got a complaint from here that some women is going through injustice in this house. Akshay says to to NGO women that they might be mistaken. Mohini comes and says to Akshay that she called the NGO women here. Mohini complaints to the NGO women that Aparajita is trying to steal her family and her husband from her. Aparajita allows Mohini to speak first to the NGO woman as Mohini is interrupting when she is trying to speak.

After Mohini tells her complaints Aparajita says what Mohini said is right and says a woman is trying to steal her husband and family but it is not her but it is Mohini. Aparajita says she is Akshay’s wife and she married him 20 years ago and says she can also prove that she is Akshay’s wife. Aparajita says if a person does second marriage without getting divorce then it is invalid.

Mohini says to the NGO women that she is Akshay’s wife and they both got married in Dubai 15 years ago. Aparajita says she can prove that she is Akshay’s wife and says when Akshay got sick she was taking care of Akshay and Mohini was nowhere near Akshay. Aparajita asks Asha to show them the video. In the Video the NGO women see how Aparajita is taking care of Akshay.

Episode ends.

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