Mangal Lakshmi 10th June 2024 Written Update: Mangal apologises to Gayatri

Mangal Lakshmi 10th June 2024 Written Update on

The episode starts with
Gayatri coming to Shanti’s house. Karthik tries to help Lakshmi in cleaning the utensil. Gayatri asks Shanti where is Karthik. Shanti points towards the kitchen. Gayatri comes to the kitchen and sees Karthik cleaning the utensils along with Lakshmi. Gayatri says she will clean these utensils and asks Lakshmi what she has to tell to do. Gayatri cleans the utensils and asks Lakshmi it is enough.

Lakshmi asks Gayatri to leave it and says she will do all of this. Gayatri lashes out at Lakshmi and says to Lakshmi that she did Karthik’s marriage with her hoping it would be good for Karthik not to make Karthik his servant.

Gayatri comes out of the kitchen and complaints to Kusum and Mangal about Lakshmi making Karthik clean the utensils. Mangal says Lakshmi would never do something like that. Karthik also says nobody asked him to clean the utensils. Kusum says to Gayatri that for Mangal’s Pag Phere’s ritual Shanti woke up Mangal and how ill treated Adit was when he came for Pag Phere ritual and asks Gayatri to leave it. Gayatri agrees and leaves from there.

Adit thanks Sowmya for offering to help Ishana in her studies. Sowmya asks Adit not to mind it. Adit drops Sowmya and leaves from there.

Mrs Mehra comes to Sowmya and says to Sowmya that she is getting compliant from the society that men are staying late in her home. Sowmya says it is her fiance who is staying in her home. Sowmya says they are soon going to get married soon. Mrs Mehra agrees.

Kusum and Mangal worry about Gayatri not returning till now. Gayatri brings AC for Karthik as there is no AC in Shanti’s house. Karthik says he will adjust to it. Gayatri comments on it.

Mangal does the ritual and gives a watch as gift to Karthik. Karthik talks to Mangal about the watch. Karthik accidentally spills food on him. Lakshmi goes to get something to clean it. Gayatri comes to Lakshmi and says she will clean Karthik’s stain. Ceiling rubble falls on Gayatri. Mangal cleans it and apologises to Gayatri. Gayatri asks Mangal to leave it and leaves from there. Kusum comments on Shanti.

Episode ends.

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