Mangal Lakshmi 1st July 2024 Written Update: Sowmya gets infuriated

Mangal Lakshmi 1st July 2024 Written Update on

The episode starts with Sowmya thinking she will be elected for the best supporter award to Adit but Sowmya gets disappointed and sees that Adit is holding Mangal’s hand. Adit takes Mangal to stage.

Ruchika says to all the audience that Adit always wins the best employee award because of his support system and it is Mangal. Ruchika says to all the audience how they once went to Adit’s house and saw Mangal leaving her award ceremony for Adit and his work. Kusum asks Sowmya to take a video of Mangal and says to Sowmya that she wants to show this to Ishana and prove that Mangal is not just a housewife and comments on it. Ruchika asks Mangal to speak a few words. Mangal hesitates to do it.

Lakhsmi is shown to be cooking in the kitchen. Nidhi comes to the kitchen looking for Indu. Lakshmi says to Nidhi that Indu took a day off and asks Nidhi if she wants anything. Nidhi says to Lakshmi that she will order anything if she wants anything online. Nidhi asks Lakshmi to stop behaving like a servant and comments on her. Lakshmi says to Nidhi that she is not ashamed to do her own house work. Nidhi mocks Lakshmi and suggests Lakshmi to be assistant to Indu the servant. Gayatri comes to Nidhi and lashes out at her.

Mangal gives a speech and gives the credit of her getting this trophy to Kusum as she is the one who taught her everything. Mangal says she doesn’t deserve this trophy and says this trophy should belong to Adit as he is the biggest support pillar of their family. Mangal gives the trophy to Adit. Tejpal praises Mangal’s speech and asks Mangal to never say that she has no credit in Adit’s success and comments on it. Tejpal asks Adit to speak a few words.

Adit praises Mangal infront of everyone without having a choice and gives the credit of his success to Mangal. Adit says to Mangal that he loves her. Sowmya gets infuriated with Adit’s speech and leaves from there. Sowmya decides to make Adit leave Mangal at any cost.

Kusum, Adit and Mangal come to the temple to pray to God. The Pandit asks Adit to apply Sindhur in Mangal’s Maang. Adit does it according to Kusum’s instructions.

Adit, Kusum and Mangal are about to leave the temple. A Phakir warns Mangal to be careful and says her Suhagan is in danger. Kusum stops Adit from leaving and asks Phakir what does he mean. Phakir says someone is eyeing Mangal’s Sindhur and says someone wants to seperate her and Adit. Mangal gets worried hearing it.

Episode ends.

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