Mangal Lakshmi 21st June 2024 Written Update: Sowmya’s conspiracy against Mangal

Mangal Lakshmi 21st June 2024 Written Update on

The episode starts with Mangal saying to Adit that she will prepare food. Adit agrees. Kusum and her husband leave from there.

Mangal takes out a saree to work in the kitchen. Adit comes to Mangal and says to Mangal what she has to cook for the guests. Adit sees Mangal has chosen a saree that is not good and criticises her. Adit asks Mangal to stay in this saree and make food. Mangal says this saree is too heavy to work in the kitchen. Adit comments on Mangal.

Mangal prepares food in the kitchen. Adit and his family receive Tejpal and his wife. Akshat comes to Mangal and asks Mangal why does Adit do this as he knows she is about to get a medal today and Adit brought guests into the house today. Mangal comments on it and asks Akshat to serve food to all the guests. Akshat agrees.

Karthik and Lakshmi come to Mangal’s felicitation ceremony.

Mangal and Akshat serve food to Tejpal and his wife. Tejpal and his wife praise Mangal and her cooking after eating Mangal’s food. Sowmya comes to Adit’s house saying she needs his signature on some documents.

At the dining table, Tejpal and his wife praise Mangal and her cooking. Lakshmi and Karthik see that Mangal has not come till now. Lakshmi and Karthik call Mangal but she doesn’t the call.

Kusum praises Mangal saying she did her sister’s marriage alone without anyone’s help. Tejpal hearing it praises Mangal. Sowmya thinks this is the right time to tell everyone that Mangal took Rs 50000 from her for the wedding and thinks if Adit and Kusum know about it they will lash out at Mangal. Sowmya tries to tell about it but Adit gets a call and he goes to take it.

Karthik asks Adit over the phone why hasn’t Mangal come till now and says the host is calling Mangal on stage. Adit says Mangal will not come there as some guests came to his home so Mangal needs to attend them. Karthik asks Adit about it. Adit comments on Karthik and cuts the call.

Karthik says to Lakshmi what Adit told him. Lakshmi hearing it comments on Adit.

Kusum and Tejpal talk about Mangal. Kusum asks Sowmya to help Mangal in the kitchen. Sowmya agrees. Sowmya sees Mangal is standing on the table to get something. Sowmya kicks the table and Mangal drops the kitchen utensil on Sowmya’s head and she gets injured due to it. Sowmya tries to instigate Mangal against Adit but she fails so she puts alarm in her clock for 10 min.

Sowmya sits with everyone at the dining table. Sowmya hears her phone ringing. Sowmya acts as if she has taken a call and talks about money problems. Sowmya really gets a call and she cuts the call. Sowmya comments on it to Adit and Kusum. Sowmya tries to tell everyone about Mangal talking Rs 50000 from her for Lakshmi’s wedding but the door bell sound interrupts her.

Episode ends.

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