Mangal Lakshmi 23rd June 2024 Written Update: Mangal rejects Adit’s boss offer

Mangal Lakshmi 23rd June 2024 Written Update on

The episode starts with Gayatri friends coming to Gayatri’s house. They ask Gayatri to introduce Karthik’s wife to them. They say they want to meet the celebrity lady who married Karthik. Lakshmi comes there to serve guests. Mrs Saxena misunderstands Lakshmi as a worker and asks her to get a glass of water. Nidhi tells them Lakshmi is the wife of Karthik. They get shocked.

Gayatri proudly introduces Lakshmi to her friends. Arundati and Mrs Saxena say to Gayatri that they get to know why she did her son’s marriage secretly. Gayatri says Karthik liked Lakshmi and married her and there is a grand reception party tonight.

Mangal asks Adit to take his carriage but Adit leaves without taking his lunch. Adit’s father asks why Adit is behaving in this way. Kusum says Men can’t bear if his wife’s work is more prominent than him. She says it will take time to remove the Adit’s insecurity. She asks Mangal to get ready for Lakshmi and Karthik’s reception which will happen tonight. Mangal agrees.

Adit thinks Soumya and Mangal are troubling him. Soumya’s house owner Kalpana meets Adit. She tells him that she got to know from Soumya that he is getting married to Soumya. Adit leaves from there. He thinks from where this marriage topic came.

Gayatri asks the top designer to take Lakshmi’s measurements. The designer takes Lakshmi’s measurements. Lakshmi comments on their dress costs. Gayatri handles the situation and sends the Designer from there. Sanjana and Nidhi tell Lakshmi that she is not a correct match for Karthik. Gayatri rebukes them. She makes Lakshmi wear a heavy necklace. She tells Lakshmi that now she needs to prove to everyone that she is worthy of Karthik.

Mangal, Kusum started selecting outfits to wear for the reception. Adit’s office manager calls Mangal and tells her that Ruchika suggested her name for judging the cooking competition in their house. Kusum signals Mangal to reject it. Mangal refuses to judge the competition and cuts the call. Kusum’s husband tells Kusum that she did wrong by stopping Mangal. Kusum says it’s needed for Adit’s peace otherwise he will be more disturbed.

Adit comes to the office. The manager meets Adit and tries to tell him how much Mangal impressed their boss Ruchika. Adit sees Soumya and goes to talk to her. Adit asks Soumya why she told Kalpana that they are getting married. Soumya tells him that it’s a way to escape from her otherwise who will be fine with your regular visits to my home. Kusum calls Adit and tells him to come to Karthik’s reception. Adit agrees.

Lipika and Santhi see the lavish arrangements in the reception party. Mangal and her family come there. Gayatri greets Kusum and her family. Gayatri hugs Mangal and says to Mangal that everyone wants to meet her.

Nidhi comes and sees Lakshmi has just done a light make up. Nidhi comments on Lakshmi and says Gayatri will be humiliated if everyone see Lakhsmi like this. Nidhi says she will do the make up and asks the makeup artist to leave. Lakshmi hesitates to allow Nidhi to do the make up but she allows Nidhi to do the make up after a while.

Mangal comes and asks Adit to eat something. Adit asks Mangal to stop something and comments on it.

Episode ends.

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