Mangal Lakshmi 24th June 2024 Written Update: Lakshmi faces a setback

Mangal Lakshmi 24th June 2024 Written Update on

The episode starts with Nidhi doing Lakshmi’s makeup. Sanjana comes in and smiles seeing Nidhi. Lakshmi asks Sanjana if Mangal came. Sanjana says she will check and leaves from there. Karthik decides to go to Lakshmi to check on her. Sanjana stops Karthik from going to Lakshmi. Adit meets Karthik and asks him how his life is with Lakshmi. Karthik tells him he is happy to get Lakshmi.

Mangal comes to Lakshmi. She sees Lakshmi’s makeup and praises Nidhi. Lakshmi sees her look and thanks Nidhi. Nidhi tells Lakshmi that she needs to do the final touch up and sends Mangal from there. Nidhi thinks of making Lakshmi a laughingstock.

Kusum asks Gayatri why she arranged a sudden reception. Gayatri says she did it to stop the gossiping. Lakshmi tells Nidhi that she will check her final look. Nidhi asks her to check it and turns off the power. Nidhi tells Lakshmi that Mangal approved her look so she doesn’t need to check it again. She brings Lakshmi downstairs. Guests ask Karthik to play music to welcome his wife. Karthik sings the song. Sanjana stops Mangal from going near Lakshmi.

Lights turn on. Everyone gets shocked to see Lakshmi’s joker looks. Media people ask Karthik why he presented his wife in this way. Lakshmi becomes a laughingstock. Gayatri confronts Mangal why she approved the look of Lakshmi. Mangal says previously it was good. She asks the media people to not circulate the news. She asks Lakshmi to go to her room. Lakshmi runs to her room. Mangal follows her.

Sanjana praises Nidhi. Gayatri comes there and asks Nidhi if she was behind Lakshmi’s funny look. Nidhi lies to Gayatri that she did correct makeup but Lakshmi spoiled it. Karthik overhears it.

Lakshmi sees her look in the mirror and gets shocked. Mangal comes to Lakshmi and asks her who did wrong makeup to her. Lakshmi lies that she did it but Mangal doesn’t believe it and asks her to tell the truth by swearing on her. Karthik comes in and says to Mangal that he knows who did it.

Gayatri tries to manage the media. Sanjana comes there to outsmart Gayatri. Gayatri sends media people and warns Sanjana to not cross her limits.

Karthik asks Lakshmi to tell the truth. Lakshmi tells them how Nidhi fooled her. Karthik says he will confront Nidhi. Lakshmi stops him and tells him that she doesn’t want Nidhi to feel low in front of guests. Mangal agrees. Karthik tells Karthik that he is proud of her. Lakshmi sends him from there. Mangal hugs Lakshmi and tells her that she is proud of her.

Episode ends.

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