Mangal Lakshmi 25th October 2024 Written Update: Adit Gets Akshat from the Police Station

Mangal Lakshmi 25th October 2024 Written Update on

The episode starts with Akshat leaving the school after Mangal has left. It’s shown that Akshat overheard Ishana telling Mangal she’ll take care of Akshat and that he will get used to living without Adit.

Akshat thinks to himself that he knows Adit and Mangal had a fight, and he left home because of it, but he’s determined to bring Adit back home.

Akshat asks an auto driver if he’ll take him to Adit’s office. The auto driver refuses since Akshat doesn’t have money to pay. Hearing this, Akshat decides to go to Adit’s office on foot.

Akshat sees someone drop money and picks it up to return it. The auto driver catches him with the money and accuses him of stealing. Akshat insists he didn’t steal it and begins to cry.

Mangal notices that Akshat has forgotten his water bottle in her purse. She goes back to the school to give it to him.

A constable sees the crowd and asks the auto driver what happened. The driver accuses Akshat of stealing. Akshat tells the constable he didn’t steal the money, explaining that he saw an uncle drop it and picked it up to return it. The constable asks if Akshat ran away from school, and Akshat explains that his father had a fight with his mother, and he left school to look for him. Akshat then asks the constable to take him to his father. The constable scolds the auto driver for misunderstanding Akshat. As Mangal passes by in an auto, she sees the crowd and heads to the school. The constable takes Akshat away.

Adit is shown spending quality time with Sowmya. He prepares food to make her feel special. Adit then receives a call from the police station and immediately heads there.

Mangal arrives at the school and learns that Akshat isn’t there. After talking to the school staff, she realizes he must have left right after she dropped him off. Mangal shows his photo around, asking people near the school if they’ve seen him.

A tea stall owner recognizes Akshat and tells Mangal what happened. Mangal heads to the police station after learning from the tea stall owner that Akshat was taken there by a constable.

Adit arrives at the police station and talks to Akshat, comforting him. He asks the constable why they brought a child to the station. The constable tells Adit not to instruct them on their job and advises him to take care of his son, saying Akshat is lucky he ran into a cop rather than someone else. Adit thanks the constable, takes Akshat, and leaves. When Mangal arrives at the station, she learns that Adit has already taken Akshat. She calls Adit, but he doesn’t answer.

Karthik asks Lakshmi if she’s unhappy being with him. Lakshmi asks why he thinks that. Karthik says she would have told him the truth about Adit wanting to divorce Mangal if she trusted him. Lakshmi explains that when she first learned about Adit’s intentions, she thought Mangal should know first and reminds Karthik that he was in Lucknow at the time. Lakshmi says she later tried to tell him indirectly several times. She reassures Karthik that he’s the best husband she could ask for and hugs him. Gayatri witnesses this from a distance. She receives a call and steps aside to answer, asking why the person is calling her.

Adit takes Akshat to Sowmya’s house. Akshat asks why he’s staying there. Adit explains that it’s a place provided by his office, and he’s staying there for an important project, with Sowmya helping him. Akshat then asks why they can’t invite the whole family to stay. Adit responds that the house is too small for that. He later sends Akshat away.

Sowmya questions Adit about bringing Akshat there and lying about her. Adit explains what happened and assures her that Akshat will be asleep by 9 pm and leave for school in the morning, so he won’t know she’s staying there. He tells Sowmya this is an opportunity to impress Akshat and make a place for herself in his family. Sowmya agrees.

Mangal arrives at Sowmya’s house. Sowmya learns from security that Mangal is there and turns off the doorbell so no one hears it when Mangal rings. She also turns on the mixer so no one hears Mangal banging on the door. Mangal realizes the doorbell isn’t working and starts banging on the door. Adit then opens it.

Episode ends.

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