Mangal Lakshmi 28th February 2024 Written Update: Mangal’s revelation shocks the family

Mangal Lakshmi 28th February 2024 Written Update on

The episode starts with Lakshmi saying to Lipika how much Mangal means to her. Mangal smiles. Lipika reminds Mangal that she is her real sister, not Lakshmi. Mangal reminds Lipika that they 3 are sisters. Mangal thinks about Adit’s whereabouts. Adit drops his mother at Mangal’s maternal house. They see some expensive cars entering that area. Kusum asks if they came to see Lakshmi. Adit says it’s not possible as Mangal can’t get a rich match for her sister.

Kusum asks Adit to come inside. Adit refuses and mocks his in-laws. Kusum comes out. She welcomes Adit. Adit says he has a meeting so he needs to leave. Bharadwaj’s family along with their son Nithin come there. Everyone gets shocked to see a rich suitor.

Mangal sees Sachin’s photo on her phone and thinks he is perfect for Lakshmi. Lakshmi awaits Mangal. Mangal asks the Auto driver to take a short route. Kusum asks Adit to leave for his office. Adit says he will wait. He sees Nithin’s branded clothes. He thinks about how Mangal found Bharadwaj’s alliance for Lakshmi. Mangal’s mother calls Mangal and asks where she is. Mangal says she is coming. Nithin asks Adit about where is he working. Adit tells him about his company. Nithin tells him that his boss is his friend.

Mangal’s mother brings Lakshmi to the hall and makes her meet Nithin and his family. Kusum tells Nithin family Mangal and Lakshmi are good. Nithin and his family say they like Lakshmi. Adit gets shocked hearing it. Lakshmi waits for Mangal.

Mangal doesn’t have money to pay the auto driver. She calls Adit. Adit comes out and asks why she called him. Mangal tells him that she wants money. Adit scolds her and pays the money. Mangal enters the house. She greets the groom’s family. She asks where is Sachin. Kusum says Nithin is the groom. Mangal says she chose Sachin, not Nithin.

In the kitchen, Lipika asks Lakshmi to search for a rich groom for her after her marriage. Lakshmi agrees. Mrs. Bharadwaj tells Mangal that they liked Lakshmi. Mangal asks how can they decide without their permission. Mangal’s mother asks Mangal to stay silent.

Mangal’s mother brings Lakshmi to the hall. Mrs. Bharadwaj takes Mangal’s mother’s permission and starts the ritual. She is about to cover Lakshmi with a shagun saree but Mangal stops her and declares that this marriage is not going to happen. Mrs. Bharadwaj questions Mangal over her behaviour. Mangal says she doesn’t want Lakshmi to become 3rd wife of his son. Everyone gets stunned.

Episode ends.

Precap – Mangal rebukes Nithin’s family. Later, Adit misbehaves with Mangal.

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