Meet 1st February 2023 Written Update: Shagun apologises to Manmeet

Meet 1st February 2023 Written Update On

The episode starts with SP Bhati taking the police away. Manmeet asks Meet what did she say in SP Bhati’s ear? Meet says she didn’t say anything and makes up a reason. Manmeet takes his leave from the Ahlawat family and leaves from there. Manmeet after coming out calls Narendra and tells him what happened. Mahindra slaps Gunvathi for Shagun’s mistake and tells Gunvanthi what Shagun did and tells that Narendra went to the police station to bring Shagun out. Mahindra manhandles Gunvanthi and asks Gunvanthi how can Shagun do this without Sarkar’s permission.

Shagun pleads SP Bhati to leave her. SP Bhati says he will leave her and says she just has to tell why did she go to the Ahlawat family. Shagun says she already told him about it. SP Bhati comments on it.

Narendra comes with a lawyer to the police station to take Shagun away. Narendra warns SP Bhati and reminds him what Sarkar is capable of doing. SP Bhati says he is just doing his job. The lawyer gives bail papers to SP Bhati. SP Bhati asks Narendra to sign here. SP Bhati acts as if the pen is not is not working and spills ink on Narendra. SP Bhati says he will clean it up and inserts a spy camera sneakily while he is acting as if he is cleaning the ink stains. Narendra signs and takes Shagun away. Sp Bhati calls Meet and says to her that he did just she asked and says he inserted camera in Narendra’s locket. Meet thanks Sp Bhati and says with this they will know what Sarkar is doing.

Sp Bhati and Meet see that Narendra brings Shagun to meet someone. Manmeet comes to Narendra and Shagun. Manmeet slaps Shagun for her and pulls her with her hair.

Manmeet asks Shagun if she thought that he will be happy seeing her there and asks Shagun if she is mad.

Ishani asks Meet how is Manmeet’s name. Meet recalls about Meet Ahlawat. Babita also praises their pair.

Manmeet asks Shagun if she knew what she did with her stupidity and says she made Meet alert and says if Meet didn’t marry him then he will kill her.

Babita asks Meet if she is angry that she made her say yes to this marriage forcefully. Meet says she would never get angry at her. Babita asks Raj why is he sad? Raj says he is feeling sad as Meet is going to leave this house. Shagun apologises to Manmeet and says she will never do this kind of thing again. Manmeet makes Shagun promise as God’s witness that she will not hear, speak and see anything from now on. Manmeet warns Shagun that he will kill her if she doesn’t follow what he said.

Meet comments on what Raj said. Babita also says to Meet that their match is made by God himself.

Yashoda says to Manmeet as she gave his punishment now it is time for her to give Shagun her punishment. Yashoda says the marriage of Manmeet and Shagun is not going to happen. Gunvanthi pleads Yashoda not to break off this marriage and says she will apologise on behalf of Shagun. Sarkar blames Yashoda for Shagun’s stupidity as it is her responsibility to take care of all the ladies in the house. Sarkar asks Yashoda to tell him if she can’t handle the work. Sarkar says he will bring another wife and she will keep everyone in order. Narendra reaches Sarkar’s house. Sp Bhati calls Meet and says to Meet that Narendra has reached Sarkar’s house and shares the link of spy camera. Sarkar tells them to prepare for tomorrow’s Mehendi celebrations. Meet thinks why is the video blurry.

Episode ends.

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