Meetha Khatta Pyaar Hamara 14th May 2024 Written Update: Saajeeri saves Reha.

Meetha Khatta Pyaar Hamara 14th May 2024 Written Update on

The episode starts with Shivam tells Reha to open the hatch but she fails to open the gate. Shivam and Sharad tries to break the door but they fails to do so. Anjali learns that Reha is locked inside. Shivam try to find another exit from the garden but still fails. Saajeeri starts thinking and with the help of the compass she opens the gate. Shivam can smells the gas leak and he enters the store room.

Shivam tells Sharad not to switch on the lights otherwise it can get fire. Shivam opens the window. Nalini thanks for saving Reha. Saajeeri tells Nalini that they should ask Reha that who advise her to play with the gas stove. Reha takes Yash’s name. Anjali gets angry on Yash and starts scolding him but Saajeeri suggest Anjali that we should not be too harsh with the children. Shivam agrees with Saajeeri. Shivam thanks Saajeeri for her intelligency. Urmila comments in Saajeeri that she is a sharp girl and she don’t know how many locks she has open till now. Saajeeri tells Urmila that whatever she has done just to save Reha and she hasn’t open any lock yet. Shivam thinks that Saajeeri helps them and he didn’t thanks her.

Saajeeri and her mother takes the prashad and they begin to go but suddenly Saanchi meets Saajeeri. Saanchi tells Saajeeri that she is happy to see her and she also tells Saajeeri that Priti has bring her here forcefully. Saanchi tells Saajeeri to stay with her but Saajeeri tells Saanchi that where her cooked food gets insulted she don’t want to stay there for a moment. Saanchi ask Saajeeri that what happens. Saajeeri tells Saanchi that there was an order which is not delivered and they are returning back.

Urmila tells Nalini to stop Saajeeri otherwise the guest will feel uncomfortable. Saajeeri and her mother takes a leave. Priti gets irritate whenever she sees Saajeeri. Urmila welcomes Priti and Saanchi. Priti went inside with Urmila while Saanchi stay outside because she starts getting calls from Saajeeri. Shivam tells Chinu to bring juice for Saajeeri because he wants to be alone with Saanchi.
Anjali and Mandira starts fighting. Nalini try to stop the fights but she fails. Vikram starts yelling at Anjali and Mandira. Vikram blames Nalini for the fights and responsible for Reha’s life threat. Vikram stops his anger when he sees Priti. Urmila introduce Vikram to Priti.

Saanchi tells Shivam that her mother has bring her forcefully. Saanchi tells Shivam that she feels boring in famil gathering. Shivam tells Saanchi that she is getting rude. Saanchi wants to clear the confusion between her and Shivam. Saanchi calls Shivam for a coffee date and she will come with Saajeeri to clear the confusion. Saanchi and Shivam enters the house. Saanchi starts getting calls from Nikhil. Priti introduce Saanchi with Vikram. Saanchi takes a leave because she will have to take the calls

Saajeeri tells her mother that she didn’t liked Vikram and his family. Saajeeri tells her mother that she feels pity on Nalini aunty. Supriya tells Saajeeri that every man is not like her father. Saajeeri tells Supriya that she remembers what her father taught her always. Supriya thanks Bappa that her family is small but there are no conflicts in their family. Sangeeta takes the tiffin and she finds that Shira is back. Saajeeri tells that she will distribute the Shira among the children.

Saanchi talks about Urmila about Shivam and Saanchi’s alliance. Urmila agree for the alliance because she finds that their status matches with Priti.

Saanchi calls Nikhil and she explains that she has come for a Puja. Nikhil gets possessive and ask for every details from Saanchi.Nalini tells Saanchi to have the lunch with the family but Saanchi gets angry and she reply her. Urmila gets happy because Saanchi knows that how to control the people because she wants an ideal Bahu like Saanchi.

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