Meetha Khatta Pyaar Hamara 29th June 2024 Written Update: Urmila is exposed

Meetha Khatta Pyaar Hamara 29th June 2024 Written Update on

The episode starts with Saajeeri taking a sip of coffee which Shivam used to have. Saajeeri finds the coffee tasteless. Suddenly an insect comes in the room and she went to bring the spray from Aaji’s room. Nalini tells Saajeeri not to bring back spray ever again in the room because of the spray Aaji lost her eye sight. Saajeeri takes the spray and she spreads it in her room but the insect didn’t move . Saajeeri finds curiosity about the spray and she learns that the spray bottle is filled with water. Saajeeri concludes that Aaji is just acting like a blind but she is not blind .

Urmila walks down the staircase to drink the water. Saajeeri pushed the flower vase but Shivam caught the vase. Shivam starts yelling at Saajeeri but Aaji stops him. Shivam says Urmila walks properly. Saajeeri learns from Shivam that his meeting has been cancelled. Saajeeri lit the Diya and apologized to Bappa for taking a bad step but she wants to help her to find the truth. Bappa suggested Saajeeri an idea to find the truth . Urmila tells Nalini that she is reading Sloke in her room and she asks her not to disturb her.

Everyone takes lunch and Nalini tells Shivam that Saajeeri is not well so she will take the lunch later. Everyone finds a smoke in the house. Nalini went to check the kitchen but she didn’t find anything burning in the kitchen. Shivam went to check the electric box but he didn’t find anything in the electric box. Shivam hears a fire alarm and he tells everyone to leave the house . Saajeeri enters Aaji’s room with a knife.

Nalini reminds Shivam about Saajeeri and Nalini.

Urmila sees a shadow of someone with the knife. Urmila learns that it’s Saajeeri who is coming towards her with the knife. Urmila asks Saajeeri what she is doing .

Everyone learns that someone has burnt the grass outside the house and they rush to see Aaji. Saajeeri attacks Aaji but in the wall . Shivam sees that Saajeeri is trying to attack Aaji. Shivam gets angry at Saajeeri for attacking Urmila and he starts yelling at her. Urmila learns that a fire took place in the backyard . Everyone starts taunting Saajeeri that she is a criminal. Shivam asks Saajeeri why she does this. Saajeeri apologises to Urmila for showing the knife but how she knows that she is standing in front of her with the knife. Saajeeri wants to know from Urmila how she recognises each and everyone. Shivam puts the glass from Aaji’s eye and he tells her that she can see. Urmila comes in the mandir and tells her new story to everyone. Urmila tells everyone that no one is believing her. Saajeeri tells Urmila that she just wants to know whether she is blind or not.

Precap-Shivam will decide to leave the house with Sajeeri

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