Meetha Khatta Pyaar Hamara 30th April 2024 Written Update: Saajeeri brings Shivam to the hospital.

Meetha Khatta Pyaar Hamara 25th April 2024 Written Update on

The episode starts with Shivam feeling low. Saajeeri asks Shivam if he is fine. Shivam finds his medicine in the car. Shivam calls Chinu but he falls down. Saajeeri confirms that Shivam is not drunk. Saajeeri gives water to Shivam but he is totally unconscious. Saajeeri decides to take Shivam to the hospital. Chinu is in the line and she is listening to Saajeeri taking Shivam to the hospital. Saajeeri takes Shivam in an auto. Nalini calls Shivam but he is not picking up the phone. Nalini gets worried. Chinu comes to Shivam’s car and finds that Shivam is not in his car. Saajeeri tells the auto driver to take them to a nearby hospital quickly. Nalini asks Adarsh about Shivam.

Adarsh taunts Nalini she always looks after her children except him. Nalini explains to Adarsh that Shivam has not eaten anything when he is on the way to the office and she is worried. Adarsh tells Nalini that Shivam is fine and tells her to think positively. Nalini prays for Shivam’s well being and continuously calls him. Saajeeri brings Shivam to the hospital. The doctor starts checking the blood sugar of Shivam. The doctor tells Saajeeri that Shivam has type B diabetes. The doctor tells Saajeeri that she has injected Shivam and soon he will gain consciousness. Saajeeri thinks that Shivam suffers from diabetes but he still gives his tiffin to others. Saajeeri apologizes to Shivam and prays that he gets well soon. Shivam holds Saajeeri’s hand.

Shivam opens his eyes and he thinks that Saanchi is standing in front of him. Shivam tells Saanchi that he likes her but in fact she is Saajeeri. Shivam tells Saajeeri that he likes Saanchi but Saajeeri leaves the ward. The nurse tells Saajeeri to pay the bill but Saajeeri has the money to pay the rent only but she still pays the money. The nurse ask Saajeeri’s name and she took the name of Saanchi accidentally. Saajeeri waits for Shivam to gain consciousness and then she will leave. Shivam gains conscious and he finds himself in the hospital. Nalini went to ask Urmila about Shivam.

The doctor tells Shivam not to take risks in his life. Shivam learns from the nurse that he has been brought by Saanchi. Shivam feels happy. Anjali takes Reha from Urmila.
Shivam comes out of the ward but Saajeeri goes to help an old man. The nurse informs Saajeeri that Shivam has been discharged. Saajeeri thinks that Shivam didn’t meet her. Saajeeri starts thinking about Shivam.
Chinu arrives home and informs that Shivam is in the hospital. Urmila yells at Nalini for not informing her. Nalini tells Urmila that she went to inform her but she was busy with Rhea. Shivam tells Urmila that due to low blood sugar falls down.

Shivam tells Nalini that due to some reason he has to give his tiffin to someone. Shivam sees Saanchi in front of him. Shivam tells Urmila that he is coming home soon. Urmila tells Nalini to give two tiffins to Shivam and not to call him. Shivam starts getting panic attacks but Saanchi helps him. Shivam thanks Saanchi for saving his life. Shivam tells Saanchi not to get angry and he wants her number. Saanchi gets angry and she gives the number of Saajeeri. Shivam gets a call from Nalini and he leaves. Saanchi thinks that Saajeeri will teach him a lesson.

Precap- Priti insults Saajeeri and accuse that she has stolen her jewellery. Shivam message Saajeeri.

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