Megha Barsenge 10th March 2025 Written Update: Megha demands Arjun help Manoj

Megha Barsenge 10th March 2025 Written Update on

The episode begins with Megha opening the freezer and fainting. Manoj comes out of the freezer and unties himself. He goes near Megha with a knife. Arjun sees this and misunderstands that Manoj is trying to attack Megha. He tells Sikandar to catch Manoj, and he runs to Megha. Sikandar beat Manoj. Navjot smiles seeing this. Arjun asks Megha to open her eyes. Megha regains her consciousness. Arjun tells Megha that Manoj tried to kill her, and he won’t spare Manoj.

Megha tells Arjun that Manoj was locked inside the freezer. Manoj lies down on Megha’s lap. Arjun tries to push Manoj, but Megha stops the former. Manoj thanks Megha for saving him. He says he put Megha inside the freezer, but he doesn’t remember that. Megha recalls the past. Manoj says sorry to Megha and cries. He adds he was a terrible person, so God punished him. He faints. Megha asks Manoj to open his eyes. She tells Arjun that Manoj is cold, so they should take Manoj from there and put a blanket on Manoj. Arjun and Sikandar take Manoj from there.

After some time, Megha asks whether Manoj is shivering still. She rubs Manoj’s legs. She tells Arjun that Manoj’s feet are still cold, so she will bring hot water. She goes to the kitchen. Mukta and Manmeet come there. Manmeet asks whether Manoj is no more. Navjot tells Manmeet that Manoj is alive because Megha is fighting against Yamraj to save her ex-husband’s life. She says nothing will happen to Manoj because of Megha.

Megha brings hot water and asks Arjun to help him. Arjun asks Megha why he should help and why she is doing all this. Megha tells him Manoj will die if they don’t do anything then. Arjun tells her to let Manoj die. He reminds her that Manoj tried to kill her many times. Megha asks him whether she should become like Manoj or whether she should let Arjun become like Manoj. She says Manoj was a cruel guy; that’s why she left him. She adds now Arjun is her husband, and she doesn’t expect that cruelty from him.

Arjun asks her whether she thinks her affection can turn Manoj from monster into human. He says Manoj will try to kill Megha once Manoj comes to his senses. Megha tells him now Manoj is Mannu. Arjun says so Megha believes Manoj is telling the truth. Megha tells him they did not prove yet Manoj is lying. Megha says she knows what Manoj is feeling now. She is about to rub Manoj with a wet cloth, but Arjun stops her and does it.

Navjot says Megha is shameless. She tells Mukta and Manmeet to prepare everything for Holi. Arjun goes to his room. Megha comes there and thanks Arjun. She back hugs him and apologizes to him if she hurt him then. Arjun tells her she did not hurt him. He says he is trying to protect Megha. Megha smiles hearing this. They are about to kiss. Mukta comes there and knocks on the door. She says everything is ready for Holika Dahan. Megha tells Arjun that this is their first Holika Dahan together. Arjun tells Megha to go downstairs because it’s the first Holika Dahan without KP. Mukta thinks this will be Megha’s last Holi with Arjun.

Episode ends.

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