Mehndi Hai Rachne Waali 13th August 2021 Written Update: Mandar gets relieved hearing doctors words about Sharda’s health

Mehndi Hai Rachne Waali 13th August 2021 Written Update on

The episode starts with Raghav and Pallavi comes to the hospital Pallavi asks Milind what happened to Sharda. Milind says that they went for function and Vijay was in work and when they returned they have seen Sharda with so much blood and its looks like that she has fallen from terrace. Pallavi says that Sharda has a breathing issues so she always avoid going upstairs. Amruta says but that’s what we have seen. Pallavi sees Vijay she goes to him who hugs her and cries. Raghav asks Milind what the doctor told. Milind says that doctor is still treating Sharda so they know nothing about that. The doctor comes and says they have to operate Sharda and then asks them to pay because its an expensive operation. Raghav tells Sharda is his mother too so he will arrange the money. Vijay tells that he will return the money soon.

Raghav gets angry and leaves the place to talk to Farhad. Mandar thinks that he needs to find out what actually happened to Sharda so he acts and searches for Sharda. Mansi tells that doctors are still treating her. Mandar tells that he needs to see Sharda right now. Farhad tells Raghav on the call that he has cadh and cheque book with him he is on his way. Jaya asks Farhad about Jaya’s health to which Farhad says that Sharda has to go through an expensive surgery that’s why Raghav asks for twenty lakhs and cheque.

Keerti comes there and says they have started looting Raghav from now itself also she says they are greedy but Raghav isn’t understanding anything. Jaya asks Farhad to leave then says to Keerti that whatever money Raghav spending is hard earned money so he has the full rights to do whatever he wants. Then she says everyone can able to see who is blinded by Love and doing wrong things and tells her that she still has time to become a better human before it’s too late.

Mandar comes to the hospital and hugs Vijay and cries. Milind asks Mandar he is in the house then he must have knkwn what happened right. Mandae tells that Sharda gave him breakfast then told that she is going to the temple then after few minutes he heard a scream so he went upstairs and saw Sharda is filled with full of blood he was about to call ambulance but he himself fall unconscious. Pallavi asks if Sharda wants to go to the temple then why she went to the terrace. Mandar gets shocked. He then tells Raghav that Vijay told him that he is the one who helping for Sharda’s surgery and thanks him for that while holding his leg. Raghav gets uncomfortable and says its okay because Sharda is his mother too.

Later Vijay and Milind leaves the place to have water. Sulochana and Amruta goes to washroom. Mansi and Mandar waits. Doctor comes there and says that Sharda’s surgery is successful. Pallavi losts in her thoughts thinking why did Sharda went to the terrace. Raghav tells Pallavi that Sharda must have remembered some work in the last minute that’s why she went to terrace but Pallavi says Sharda never goes to terrace that’s why she is confused.

Mandar asks Mansi to tell everyone that Sharda’s surgery is successful then he goes to Sharda’s room and says that why she is torturing him like this when she knows how much he loves Pallavi then takes the pillow in his hand and says that he cant let Sharda alive because she wont never let him succeeed in getting back Pallavi. He brings the pillow closer to Sharda. Mansi informs Raghav and Pallavi so they both goes to the room and gets shocked seeing through the door that Mandar is bringing the pillow closer to Sharda’s face.

Raghav and Pallavi enters the room then Raghav calls his name so Mandar acts and says that he is arranging the pillows then he leaves the place. Pallavi comes out or the room and looks at Mandar then says that Sharda gained her consciousness. Everyone gets happy and goes to meet Shada. Pallavi asks Mandar dont he want to see Sharda Mandar acts and says yes then gets inside the room.

Sharda opens her eyes and sees everyone. Vijay jokes that they have to fight more so he is not letting her go anywhere. Sharda sees Mandar then recalls what he did and tries to show everyone Mandar is the one who put her in this state. Mandar gets worried. Milind brings doctor to the room who tells that Sharda can see hear everything but she cant talk. Everyone gets shocked.

Mandar gets relieved but acts like crying and leaves the room. Milind follows him so Mandar asks why its happening with him Only. Doctor asks to stay one person then leaves. Vijay and Pallavi stays inside and when Pallavi takes Mandar’s name once again Sharda tries to say something so the nurse scold Pallavi for pressuring Sharda and asks her to leave.

Pallavi comes out and says to Rsghav that its not easy for her to see her parents like this then tells that Sharda’s love is the one who made her become the daughter of the house also praises his strong Sharda is. Raghav tells Pallavi that he will do everything in his Power to make Sharda better and once again in this they both are together then he takes Pallavi with him to have food. Mandar looks at Raghav and Pallavi’s joining hands and gets angry.

Precap: Pallavi asks Sharda to sign and asks her is she fell from the terrace by accident. Sharda signs no. Later Pallavi says that now RaghVi’s love will make sure that Mandar will not even think about hurting others. Raghav in disguise says that Mandar’s game is over now.

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