Mera Balam Thanedaar 14th June 2024 Written Update: Veer feels proud of Bulbul

Mera Balam Thanedaar 14th June 2024 Written Update on

The episode starts with Bulbul saying to the judge that she brings the evidence against the principal. There are 20 girls came to the court to give the statement against the principal. She asks the judge to hear them. Meanwhile, Vishesh asks Sulakshana to check the news. Bulbul is coming in the headlines. She is in the court. Varnika is also with her. Sulakshana worries about her family reputation. Kaveri provoked her against Bulbul by saying that Varnika fell into her trap. Varnika is going to ruin their family reputation like Vani. Varadha consoles Sulakshana and says that Bulbul may have some idea about this case. She won’t ruin their family reputation.

Meanwhile, the lawyer says to the judge that Bulbul brought many girls here. They are hiding their face. How will they accept them as an evidence. He demands them to remove their ghunghat. Everyone is scared there. Bulbul stops the lawyer from removing their ghunghat. He demands her to remove it. Bulbul denied it. He complaints that they have to show their identity in the court to prove this case. Bulbul assures Varnika and Riya that she can handle it.

Bulbul shares the importance of a ghunghat of a woman. She says that it’s their tradition to wear Ghunghat. They came here to give their voice against this monster. These girls were innocent. The principal and Avilash forced them to obey them. This monster might be punished. She asks the judge to listen to them. The lawyer demands them to show their identity in the court. Druv asks him if he studied law. These girls won’t show their face in the court. Because those girls are Minors. According to posco law they have the rights to hide their identity and face in the court. Its their law. Veer thinks that Bulbul finds a way to punish him. The lawyer says that they don’t have any evidence against him.

Veer says that he has an evidence against the principal. He had his laptop. The principal revealed his laptop password to him. All the girls dirty pictures and videos are in it. If he needs her can check the picture and the girls identity alone in a room with the help of a lady constable. The judge gives permission to him. Later, the judge says to them that principal did an unforgivable mistake. He might be punished for scammed minor girls. He gives the judgement there.

The principal says that he shouldn’t punish him. He will reveal all the girls name. Bulbul signals the girls they started beating the plate to stop him. The police takes him from there. Veer thanked Druv for fighting for this case. Druv gives all the credits to Bulbul. He says that she brought this minor topic. Veer says that she is too young but she always takes a smart decision in her life. Druv explains the posco act. Bulbul is shocked to hear that Veer and his family may go to the jail in posco act for marrying a minor girl.

Bulbul feels dizzy and thinks about it. Veer takes her to the home. Varadha and family members gives a surprise to her. Sulakshana refused to talk with her. Bulbul apologized to her.

Episode end

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