Mera Balam Thanedaar 22nd October 2024 Written Update: Bulbul- Varnika are rescued

Mera Balam Thanedaar 22nd October 2024 Written Update on

The episode starts with Veer worrying about Bulbul. Bulbul notices him there. She shouts his name. Veer searched for her but he couldn’t find her. Ratan threatens Bulbul not to contact Veer. He placed a knife on Varnika’s neck. He says that Veer may come here searching for Bulbul but he will send Varnika to heaven. Bulbul gets scared. She asks him, how did he catch Varnika? Ratan tells her that Bulbul helped Varnika to escape from his custody. Her sister helped him to catch her. He informs her that Drishti pretended like helping Varnika. She refuses to go with her. Drishti made her unconscious and brought her to his custody again. Bulbul gets frustrated. Veer says that Bulbul is near by him. His heart believes that she is here. He asks Bulbul to shouts once. He will rescue her. He throws the bottle in anger. The bottle falls in front of Bulbul. She recalls the way Veer drunk the water from the bottle. She thinks that god is helping her to break her Karvachaut vrid. She drinks the remaining water. she thinks that god giving hope to her. He is confirming that her relationship with Veer connected to seven births. She wish to alert Veer about her whereabouts.

Ratan is busy in his phone call. Bulbul removed her bracelet and put it inside the water bottle. She removed Varnika’s bracelet and put it inside the bottle. She throws the bottle near Veer. He gets suspicious and checked it. He finds both of their bracelet in it. He searched for Bulbul but she wasn’t there. He thinks that Bulbul was here. She tried to alert him. She was in a situation, where she can’t contact him. She may be scared. Veer promised to Bulbul that he will save her at any cost. Vishesh thinks that Varnika sent the location to him. She wasn’t there. Veer calls him to inform that Varnika fell into Ratan’s trap again. He took them to Mumbai. Veer assures him that he will bring both of them to home safely. He requests him to hide this matter from their parents. They will worried about them. Later, Varnika apologized to Bulbul for being rude with her. She says that she misunderstood her.

Varnika says that she risked herself to save her. Bulbul says that it’s her duty to save her. She consoles her. She assures her that Veer will save them. He will become a hero again in this society. Which will bring back veer’s uniform to him. Varadha breaks Sulakshana’s fasting. She says to him that she doesn’t know who will bring back the happiness of their family. She is ready to do any puja to bring back her children’s happiness. Later, Ratan noticed the police checking there. He gets down from the ambulance to talk with the minister.
Surabha attacks Ratan and saved Bulbul, Varnika from his custody. She takes them from there. Bulbul asks her to give her phone to contact her husband. Her phone is broken. She takes them to her place. She informs Bulbul that she is leading a NGO. She saved those girls. Bulbul says that they look terrified. She manages the situation there. Bulbul is adamant to contact Veer. The fake police arrived there to take their statements. Bulbul says that they didn’t take the phone number from them to contact her family. She said Jai Hind to them but they didn’t response to her. She gets suspicious. Veer plans to use his police training experience to find Bulbul and Varnika. He takes a stranger’s help. Later, Varnika shares her happiness with Bulbul. She informs her that they were trapped here. Fake police came to take their statements.

Episode end

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