Mera Balam Thanedaar 9th May 2024 Written Update: Bulbul saves Varnika’s life

Mera Balam Thanedaar 9th May 2024 Written Update on

The episode starts with Varnika standing in the edge of the terrace. She decided to kill herself. She recalls the way Avilash betrayed her. Bulbul notices her and rushes to save her. She requests Varnika to hold her hand and come down. She says that she shouldn’t lose her hope. We can solve the problem. Even her friend, Divya tried to kill herself but she saved her life. She is leading a happy life now. She says that she will fall down. Varnika says that she lost everything in her life. She jumps down from the terrace. Bulbul holds her hand. Veer noticed that Bulbul and Varnika are missing there. He tried to call them. She is not attending her call. Bulbul risks her life to save Varnika. She hugs her to console her. Meanwhile, Veer noticing something from far. Bulbul questions Varnika what’s she trying to do? Varnika asks her to let her die. Bulbul says that she will fight with the world to save her. She won’t hesitate to fight with her too. Varnika says that she didn’t listen to her words. She shouldn’t have attend the party with Avilash. She says that she doesn’t deserve to live now. Bulbul says that it means it was her picture got viral in the college. She says that she did a mistake but not a sin. Avilash is wrong here.

Bulbul says that she will inform Veer about it now. Varnika requests her not to reveal him anything. Bulbul says that Avilash deserved the punishment for his deeds. Varnika says that he will inform the family members about it. She can’t face them. Sulakshana stopped loving Vaani like before after she commit a mistake. Bulbul recalls everything. Varnika says that everyone loved her since childhood days. She got a supporting family. She ruined everything and break their trust. Veer calls her. Bulbul says that he was calling her often. She might attend it. But she won’t inform him anything. Bulbul learns that Veer is in the college. She tells him that she will meet him asap. Bulbul says to Varnika that she shouldn’t hide this matter from Veer. He will definitely find a way to solve this issues. Avilash will be punished for his mistake. Varnika requests her. Bulbul says that she won’t inform him. How much money Avilash demanding? Varnika says that he need Bulbul not money.

Bulbul says that she will meet him. She may be dull in studies but she is brilliant. She asks her to get some time from him. She needs time to handle him. Varnika says that he won’t give time. Bulbul says that he will definitely give time to them. Later, the college senior are flirting with Veer while he investigating them. They praised his biceup. Bulbul comes there and gives a fitting reply to them. They mentioned her as chachi. Bulbul says that she is Chachi but he is their Chacha. She adds that they have to discuss something important. She takes him from there. Meanwhile, Sulakshana’s sister says to them that these designs are good. Sulakshana says that Bulbul did this all. She mentioned her that garlic and onion shouldn’t added in the food. Sulakshana says that she will inform Bulbul about it. She requests Sulakshana not to bring Vaani in the wedding. They didn’t inform anything about her with them. She assures her. Varadha says that Bulbul can handle her. She says that Bulbul can’t handle so much responsibility. She has to manage the household chores and college studies. She can’t see someone scolding her daughter. Later, Bulbul shares with Veer that he has a good body that is why girls are drooling over him. Why is he practicing heavy. He says that he might be fit. She complaints that he looks like Tiger and handsome in this police uniform. Why he is wearing it. He says that it’s a government uniform. He asks her if he looking handsome. She changed the topic. She requests him to drag her to the jeep reasoning her friends invited her to attend a birthday party. He asks her to attend it. She says that she has lots of work in home. He fulfills her requests. Varnika shows it to Avilash and take one day permission to him. He nodded to her. Bulbul says to Veer that his fingers marks are in her hand. He apologized to her and blows on it.

Episode end

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