Parineeti Upcoming Story: Parineet returns with Hatred for Sanju and Neeti, Amba Devi becomes Support

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Colors TV’S popular show Parineeti has always managed to keep the audience hooked to their screens with it’s high voltage drama.

Neeti says that Parineeti is hiding there somewhere and says that they need to Kill her because she escapes from there and they keep on Searching her.

Neeti says that Parineeti is a Bad Luck and no one wants her in their Lives. Neeti says that she has brought Pain for everyone and no one Loves her.

Neeti tells her that Sanju also doesn’t want her and he wants her Dead. She keeps on mentally torturing her while Parineet closes her ears not wanting to hear her.

Parineet Misunderstands Sanju

Neeti plays a fake recording of Sanju asking her to Kill Parineet which Parineet trusts and Breaks Down. Neeti pulls out Parineet from her Hiding spot.

Neeti tells her that she needs to Die before she puts her in Trouble while Parineet requests her to let her go. She says that she doesn’t want the Property from Parminder.

Neeti pushed Parineet to which she holds on to the rope. Sanju comes there while Neeti misleads him. Neeti then tells Parineet that he will Kill her with a stone. Sanju tries to save her but Parineet Misunderstands him.

Parineet falls off the Cliff Misunderstanding Sanju. Both Rakesh and Sanju risks their Lives to save her. Later Parineet returns with Hatred for Neeti and Sanju while Amba Devi becomes her Support.

What will Happen Next?

What will Parineet do?

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