Parineeti Upcoming Story: Sanju Apologises to Parvati for making her Uncomfortable

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Colors TV’S popular show Parineeti has always managed to keep the audience hooked to their screens with it’s high voltage drama.

The show is taking many twists and turns.Neeti is sure that her Engagement with Sanju will happen at all Costs. Parvathi however gets Sanju Arrested and Stops The Engagement from happening just like Rakesh Warned her.

Ambikadevi tells Neeti that Parvathi was tolerating Sanju for her sake but she can’t do that anymore and that’s why she got him Arrested and asks her to keep her trust in her Friend. Neeti Gets Confused Sanju Apologises to Parvati for making her Uncomfortable and tells her that he did not mean it and tells that he did not molest her but the Inspector beats him up. Neeti gets Emotional.

Parvathi says that she was tolerating just for the sake of Neeti and tells Neeti that she is not Parineet to snatch her Love from her and gives up on the Case and gets Sanju released. Neeti gets Confused. Neeti is in Dilemma but then understand the Game finally. Neeti Pretends to Trust Parvathi to Trap her in her own Plan. She wants to make sure that she Fails in whatever she has been Planning.

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