Parineetii 10th October 2024 Written Update: Parineet is heartbroken

Parineetii 10th October 2024 Written Update on

The episode starts with Parineet saying to Ambika that she will bring the sweets to celebrate the good news. Her best friend is going to get married. Ambika says that she feels proud of her. Meanwhile, Bebe is arguing with Gurinder. Gurinder says that she don’t need her help anymore. Sanju agreed to marry Neeti. She is her daughter-in-law. She don’t need her help anymore. Bebe says that she is showing her attitude to her. One day she will approach her to take her help. Gurinder ignores her warning. Later, Sanju asks Ambika, where is Parvathi? Doesn’t she went to bring the sweets? If she preparing it? Parineet says that she don’t know to cook or else she would have cooked the sweets for them. Daima used to cook the tasty laddo but unfortunately it’s over. She expressed her happiness with them. She says that she will feed the sweets to her bestfriend first. She feeds the sweets to Neeti, Gurinder and Bebe. She says to Sanju that he got his love at last. He everything. Doesn’t he happy? Sanju is surprised to see her behaviour. Neeti coughs. Sanju gives the water to her. He shows his care to her. Neeti assures him that she is alright. Parineet is disappointed to see it.

Parineet thinks that Sanju may be thinking that she isn’t happy with this marriage. Sanju says to her that they are going to do for a shopping for their wedding. Parineet tried to refuse it. Sanju says that he hates shopping. He is going to do the shopping for Neeti’s sake. Parvati is her best friend so she has to accompany them. Parineet thinks that she was a fool to believe that Sanju has a feelings for her. He just pretended to love her. Sanju force Parvathi to accompany them. Ambika says that Parvathi hates to do a shopping for herself. That’s why she hesitated to accompany them. She says that Neeti is her best friend so she will definitely accompany them. Parineet nodded to them. Parineet feeds the sweets to Neeti and Sanju. Sanju feeds the sweets to Parineet. Neeti thanked Parineet for returned her Sanju back to her. Parineet says that Sanju was, is and will be hers. She is the love of his life. Sanju puts her hands on her shoulder to reassures to Parineet. He thinks that he will plan something big tomorrow to make her confess the truth.

Sanju returns to home. Neeti tried to talk with him but he ignored her. Parminder thinks that why he isn’t revealing the truth to Neeti. She fears that it may end in worst way. Bebe gets suspicious on Sanju’s decision. Later, Sanju notices that Neeti is waiting to meet him. Neeti expressed her happiness with him. Sanju tried to reveal the truth to him but she didn’t allowed him. She says that he proposed to marry her. This is the best news in her life. She is happy to marry him. Sanju thinks that he planned something but she misunderstood the situation. She says to him that she knew well he is loving Parineet. He will love her life long. She doesn’t have any problems with it. She just needs him in her life. She can’t live without him. She hugs him. Sanju thinks that she isn’t allowing him to reveal the truth. He thinks that Neeti doesn’t have any problem with he is loving Parineet. When she finds out that Parvathi is his Parineet then she will accept them. Later, Bebe says to Gurinder that Sanju is showing his love to Neeti out of the blue. It’s suspicious. She thinks that he is showing this to make Parvathi feel jealous. Gurinder denied it. Neeti hears it and confront Sanju. He admits that he is using her to make Parineet confess the truth. He says that his love for Parineet never change. She is shocked to hear it. Parineet shares her grief with Daima.

Episode end

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