Parineetii 18th November 2022 Written Update: Parminder gives a fitting reply to Gurinder

Parineetii 18th November 2022 Written Update On

The episode starts with Parineet excusing Gurinder and Neeti. Neeti says to Gurinder that they are wearing matching colored dresses. Gurinder says that she is noticing it now. Parineet returns to her room. She remembered the way Biji said to her that god united Parineet and Rajeev. She shouldn’t give up anything in her life. Parineet asks god why he is punishing her like that? She was tired. She isn’t able to bear more pain. Everyone will be broke when the truth comes out. She wants to leave here. This life isn’t meant for her. It’s Neeti’s life. She tries to save Neeti and not to hurt. She fears that she will hurt her more in the future. She is her childhood best friend. She doesn’t want to see her in misery. Tai ji comes there. Tai ji tells her that she doesn’t need to explain anything to her.

Tai ji tells her that she isn’t at fault here. She wouldn’t try to hurt anyone in her dreams either. No one will make a sacrifice like Parineet did for this family and Neeti. She adds that no one will take such decisions for their in-laws. She stopped her twice from leaving this house. Parineet tells her that she might leave there. She has no relationship with Rajeev. Then how will she stay here without any rights? She doesn’t want to leave them either, but she might leave for Neeti. She considers Parminder as her mom too. She fears what will happen after Neeti learns the truth. Tai ji tells her that Biji’s health condition is not good to learn the truth. Parineet tells her that she isn’t able to share the truth with Gurpreet and Biji either. Tai ji hugs her to console her.

Neeti is reading the tips for her pregnancy. She thinks that Sanju didn’t call her. She wishes to call him later and change her mind. She thinks that he will have forgotten her. Doesn’t he know she is scared of Biji and pregnant too? She is frustrated and calls him. Sanju attends the video call and talks with her. She complaints that he doesn’t care about her at all. Sanju tells her that his boss will fire him if he doesn’t finish the project on time. He tells her that he will reach home late. Neeti asks him, Doesn’t he remember Grahshanthi pooja at home? He thinks that he forgot that in tension. He asks her to disconnect the call. Neeti scolds him for not spending time with her. Sanju complained that she avoided him like that when she was busy at her work. Neeti gives the phone to Parineet and leaves. Sanju tells her that Neeti was angry with her. Parineet informs him that Biji wants to sit with him with her on pooja. Sanju asks her how this is possible? Parineet tells him that she isn’t able to deny Biji’s words. Sanju assures her to deal with the matter. He thinks that he is trapped again.

Later, Babli shares with Biji that she saw a new series promo. The heroine looks like Parineet. Biji and Tai ji say that no one is able to resemble Parineet. She asks her to watch the promo. They watched the promo and appreciated it. She was determined to watch that show at 8.0 clock. Later, Babli notices Monty blabbering alone. Babli mocks at him. Both end up arguing with each other. Later, Parineet taught Neeti to cook. Neeti is nervous thinking about her cooking skills. Parineet assures her that everyone will like her food. Neeti says that she will feed sweets to her if everyone likes them. Neeti asks her what she had talked about with Sanju? Parineet lies to her as nothing. Neeti complaints that Sanju isn’t caring about her. She doubted whether Sanju will arrive on time or not. Parineet assures her that he will arrive on time. He said it to her when she called him. Neeti adds that he is listening to his sister-in-law more than his wife. Neeti says to her that she doesn’t know how to cook Halwa. Parineet assures her to help her. Biji comes there and questions her what’s going on here? Neeti tells her that many items she wants to cook. She will help Parineet to cook. Biji tells her that Parineet might cook it alone. She nodded to her. Parineet took Biji from there to take a rest.

Gurinder came to the kitchen and noticed Neeti working there. She pretends to like praising her learning skills. She asks Neeti to choose which dress to wear at Pooja? Biji is strict in everything. She smartly sent Neeti from there and added salt to the Halwa. Tai ji noticed her in the kitchen. Tai ji lashes out at Gurinder for adding something to the dish. She adds that she is able to understand she doesn’t like Parineet but she shouldn’t show her vengeance in the prasad. They want to place it in pooja. Gurinder adds that she misunderstood her. She isn’t adding anything to it. Tai ji asks her to stop lying. She saw her mixing something in it. She argues with her in anger and leaves. Tai ji informs Parineet about it. She consoles her.

Later, Rajeev calls Monty. He tells him that he was already busy handling his two wives. His sister-in-law giving new head ache to him. Rajeev asks Monty to help him stop Neeti attending the pooja because Biji wants to see Parineet sitting with him in the pooja. He suggests he take Babli’s help to stop her reasoning. She is aware of the truth. Meanwhile, Gurinder thinks that Biji will get bad impression on Parineeti after learn that she did mistake in making sweets. Tai ji gives a fitting reply to her.

Episode end

Precap; Rajeev and Parineet will sit together in the Grahshanthi pooja, Neeti will be in rush to attend the pooja. Panditji will bless Rajeev and Parineet. Neeti will get shock to find Biji blessing them as a couple

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