Parineetii 23rd June 2024 Written Update: Ambika humiliates Neeti

Parineetii 23rd June 2024 Written Update on

The episode starts with Neeti saying to Sanju that he don’t need to go behind Parineet. Its proved that she isn’t Parvathi but Parineet. Ambika asks her if she lose her sense? She says that she is in her sense. She doesn’t know why she is supporting Parineet. Ambika says that she is crossing her limits. She again started her madness. Neeti says that she came back to this place to take a revenge on them. She can’t hear Neeti and Sanju’s wedding news. That is why she went out. She doesn’t want to show her tears to them. Parineet comes back there. She asks her if she started it again. When will she stop it. Neeti says that she will do it till she accept that she is Parineet. Ambika says that there are 7 people in the world who look-alike. Neeti asks them to stop this drama. She is aware that Parineet couldn’t hear her wedding news. That is why she went out from this place. Parineet agrees that she went out but there is a reason for it. She wasn’t worried about her wedding news. She went to attend a foreign call. Australian people’s are punctual. She talked with that person. If she has any doubt then she can check her mobile. Neeti says that she doesn’t need to do it. Ambika says to Neeti that she already achieved a lot. She is a famous business woman. She don’t need to justify anything to her.

Ambika says that Neeti seems lost her sense. She needs to make her understand that she is Parineet but not Parvati. Neeti says that she is Sanju’s wife. Ambika says that where is Sanju and her daughter status. She is getting 100 proposal daily. She rejects it because she wanted to achieve something in her life unlike Neeti. Neeti is busy is using her fiancee status and showing off herself as a business woman. Ambika says that she can check her social media account to clear it. Neeti says that it can create in a single day. Ambika says that she may be trying to be over smart. Social media page can create in a single day. But she can’t create news articles about them in a single day. She can check their interviews and social media profile. It will be clear that she is not Parineet but Parvathi. Neeti says that she don’t need to prove anything. She is aware it’s not Parvathi. Ambika says that she won’t change at all. She is cancelling this project because of Neeti. She is out of this project. Sanju stops them. He apologized to Ambika. He says that Neeti won’t repeat it. She is Parvathi. No one will mention her as Parineet anymore. He thinks that Parineet can’t lie looking into his eyes. Parineet repeats the same thing. Sanju says that he is close with Parineet. But she isn’t Parineet.

Neeti apologize to her. Ambika says to Parineet that she can decide whether to do a business with them or not? Parineet says that she likes to give a one more chance to them. He promised to her that no one will mention her as Parineet again. She warns Neeti not to repeat this mistake. She won’t bear her again. Bebe asks her to take the sweets. Parineet denied it. Ambika lies to them that she hates Indian sweets. She asks them to give some brownies to her next time. Ambika takes her from there. Ambika appreciates her for acted smartly in front of them. Neeti is very cunning person. Parineet says that she is aware of her stubborn mind. That is why she did like that. She can’t even wait for one year. Sanju is also staying quiet. She is angry with him. Ambika reminds her that they tried to kill her. Sanju brings the juice to Parineet and tells her it’s his wife favourite drink. Her mom prepared it. Sanju asks her to dance with him. Neeti takes him from there. She dances with him to make Parineet feels jealous. She mistakenly collides with the waiter. The glass broken. Neeti asks them to clean it. Gurpreet is cleaning it. Parineet is shocked and mentioned her as mummy.

Episode end

Precap; Sanju confronts Parineet

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