Parineetii 27th December 2022 Written Update: Gurinder alerts Rakesh

Parineetii 27th December 2022 Written Update On

The episode starts with Parminder questioning Gurinder who was on phone? Doesn’t she apologized to someone over phone? Gurinder asks her to stop poking her head in her business. Meanwhile, Rajeev asks Neeti how he will leave her alone? Neeti assures him that she is safe inside the jail. But Parineet isn’t safe in Rakesh’s hand. She don’t trust him. Rajeev asks her how she is not scared of him. She says to him that she is an Air hostess. She has the dare to face anything. She asks Rajeev doesn’t he know where should go? He nods with her. He advise her to be careful and take care of their baby. She assures him. He says I love you to her and leaves. Meanwhile, Parineet runs away from the party hall. She notices the goons are standing in front of the party hall. She escapes from there. Her heals broken. She throws it away and tries to call Neeti. But she isn’t picking her call. Rajeev thinks that where is Parineet. He knows well he don’t love her but he has some feelings on her. He remembered about Parineet.

Parineet tries to runs away and collide with Rakesh’s men. Parineet pleads with him to save her. Some goons are following her behind. He smiles at her. Parineet gets shock to see him there and tries to run away from him. He holds her hand. He says to her that Rakesh loving her a lot. Parineet says that it’s not a love but obsession. Who will force a married woman to marry him again? He scolds her for badmouthing on Rakesh. He adds that he is giving respect to her considering her as his sister in law. Rakesh comes there and takes her from there. Meanwhile, Rajeev’s car break down on the way. Gurinder calls him on that time. She inquires him about the situation? He informs her that he was searching for Parineet. She asks him doesn’t they went to give complaint in police station? Rajeev narrates to her what happened there? Gurinder asks him to stop searching for her. Rajeev gets irritated hearing her badmouthing Parineet. He clears with her that he won’t accept anyone talking bad about Parineet. He informs her that he is going to Rakesh party office and disconnects the call. Gurinder prays god to save her son.

Rakesh Threatens the priest to chant the Mantra asap. He chants the mantras in fear. Rajeev gets frustrated when his car not working. He wishes to walk to there. Rakesh makes Parineet wear the garland. She refuses to coperate with him. He glares at her. Rajeev reaches to the party office. He finds no one around there. He doubts whether he takes Parineet here or not? He decided to go back to home. He notices a bracelet on floor. He recognised it as Parineet’s bracelet. He confirms that she is near by him. He may be with his goons. He shouldn’t go inside in empty hand. He removes his belt for a safety and thinks that he won’t leave him today.

Rajeev enters into the Party house. He searching for Parineet there. He notices the wedding Hawan and garland there. He doubts that Rakesh may be trying to marry Parineet. He wishes to call her later changes his mind not to alert his goons. He doubts that they may be got a clue that he is coming here. That is why they changed their place. He goes to upstairs searching for her. Meanwhile, Neeti’s friend takes her out. She takes her phone back. She informs to her friend that this police people is supporting MLA. They are not protecting peoples. They are showing their loyalty to MLA. Her friend assures her that he already leaked the information to media.

Neeti tries to contact Rajeev. She overheard Police conversation with Alhawat. The inspector informs him that the lawyer came here to take her out. She was threatening him to reveal the matter out in social media. He advise him to talk with Rakesh to release Parineet. Neeti confronts the inspector and scolds him for supporting MLA. He threatens her that he will charge a case on her that she isn’t able to see the world outside. He leaves from there. Media comes there to cover the news. Meanwhile, Rakesh takes Parineet to another place. He says to her that he already smelled that Rajeev coming there searching for Parineet. He narrates to Parineet how did his friend gave information to him. Rakesh Threatens the priest to start the rituals again.

Episode end

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