Parineetii 28th November 2023 Written Update: Neeti lashes out at Sanju

Parineetii 28th November 2023 Written Update on

The episode starts with Pariminder saying to Sukhwinder that Sanju is right today. He had to do it. Neeti insulted Parineet in front of everyone. If he failed to do it then Neeti won’t stop it. Bebe says to Neeti that she doesn’t like this coward Neeti. She needs the old Neeti. Neeti says that she would have think about Sanju if he loved her. But he mentioned Parineet as his wife in front of everyone. He might be punished for it. Bebe asks her to think once again. Neeti says that she will bring him to the court. She asks her if she target her too? Neeti says that Bebe always supported her. She will punish the people those who supported Parineet. Meanwhile, Chandrika says to Parineet that she doesn’t want to hurt her. Sanju says that Parineet won’t ruin someone’s party. But Neeti doesn’t know it. Parineet says that Neeti did everything out of anger. Sanju says that he knew it. Chandrika says that Neeti did this much though they are supporting her. He mentioned Parineet as his wife. Parineet says that he said that in anger. Sanju says that she is right.

Parineet asks Sanju to make Neeti understand that he did like that in anger. She asks him to stop her from taking a wrong decision. Sanju leaves from there. Chandrika is disappointed with Parineet. Parineet says that she believes in god that he will solve everything. Sukhwinder says to Parminder that they were supporting Sanju’s mistake. Sanju asks her not to blame his family for it. How much he tries to explain her she won’t understand it. Sanju says to Sukhwinder that whatever they do is right. When it comes to him it’s wrong. He lied to her and married Neeti. It’s her problem. But he wrote a letter to Neeti that he doesn’t want to marry her. Sukhwinder read it before her. Sukhwinder says that she wouldn’t have agreed to this wedding if she know the truth. Sanju says that she won’t understand anything. Bebe says to Neeti let’s discuss about it tomorrow.

Sanju brings Sukhwinder there. Neeti talks with him in sarcasm. Sanju asks her when will she stop this drama? Neeti says that he ended everything. He made her mad in front of everyone. He framed that she snatched everything from Parineet. Sanju says that he said to her manytimes that he only loved her. Neeti says that he mentioned Parineet as his wife. Sanju says that she didn’t leave any option in front of him. She was questioning Parineet’s character. He can’t take it. Neeti says that he doesn’t care about her reputation. Neeti says that Parineet is important to him. Sanju says to her that he was with her in all situations. She is important to him but she is not understanding it. He came to this house leaving his ego behind. He asks her to forget everything and start a new life. Neeti recalls the way Sanju insulted her and takes stand for Parineet. Neeti refuses to do it. She says that he used to hold Parineet’s hand. She asks him to go behind her. Neeti says that she lost her peace because of them.

Neeti vented out her anger at him. Neeti is keep blaming Sanju. She says that she cried daily for him. Her heart is paining. She wants to hug him and share her grief with him. How much she think about him Parineet is also coming on her mind. Her heart is not understanding it but her mind is able to understanding it. Her mind keeps saying that Sanju betrayed her. Sanju tells her that he didn’t lied to her. Neeti asks him to stop it. How will she believe him? She lashes out at him for mentioned Parineet as his wife in front of everyone. She doesn’t want to hear his lies anymore. She thought Parineet is wrong but he is also equally wrong. Sanju asks her to go back to home. Neeti denied it. She asks him to stay away from her. She doesn’t even want to see his face. Everything is over between them. Neeti is hurt to see him stepping back. Sanju walks away from there.

Episode end

Sukhwinder informs Bajwa’s family that Neeti filed for an divorce.

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