Parineetii 3rd July 2024 Written Update: Parineet frames Neeti as a thief

Parineetii 3rd July 2024 Written Update on

The episode starts with Sanju asking Parineet if she angry at him for finding out her identity. Parineet says that she is angry at him. He is nobody to him. He shouldn’t get close with any girl in this way. She demands him to stay away from her. She won’t fall for his tricks. Sanju says that she is trying to hide the truth from him. He is her love. Parineet says that she don’t have any feelings for him. Sanju says that she is lying. Parineet says that he is lying. He never saw anyone like this. His would be is in a jail but he is flirting with her. Sanju says that he isn’t flirting with her. Parineet says that his first wife is died. His would be is in jail and he is flirting with her here. If he didn’t leave from here then she will call the police. Parineet says that he is just a business partner to her. He shouldn’t cross his limits. She demands him to leave. Sanju leaves from there. Later, Sukhwinder pleads with Ambika to save her daughter Neeti. Ambika says that she will try to do something. She leaves from there. Gurinder appreciates Sukhwinder for played a emotional role there. She almost convinced her. Sukhwinder says that she wasn’t acting. She requests her genuinely. She don’t know to act like them. She complaints that Gurinder ruined her daughter’s life.

Ambika is thinking about Sukhwinder’s words. Daima tells her that Neeti is very smart. She won’t do anything foolishly. Ambika says that a person will take wrong decision in anger. Daima says that she shouldn’t give bail to Neeti. Sanju comes there. She asks him what’s he doing here? Parineet complaints that he is torturing her. She can’t do the business here. Sanju complaints that she didn’t answer to him about this pendent. Parineet says that she isn’t his servant to answer him. Sanju says that she has to answer. Parineet asks him to go with her to the police station. She will give the answer to him. They leaves from there. Ambika thinks that she thought to help them. They shouldn’t have send Sanju here. Meanwhile, Sanju says to Parineet that she is acting well. Parineet says that she is fed up with him. She argues with him. She says that she is Parvathi. She won’t fall for his tricks. Sanju says that Neeti saying that she is Parineet. He is blind in love with Neeti. He is blindly trusting her. She feels irritated to see it all.

Parineet asks him not dare to touch her hand again. She won’t leave him. The project is over. She is cancelling it. Parineet meets the inspector and says to him that she is here to file an another complaint. She wants to meet Neeti. He asks the constable to take her to meet Neeti. Parineet says that she isn’t her friend to meet her in private. She has to talk with Neeti in front of him and Sanju. He has lots of questions. The constable released Neeti. Neeti says to the prisoner that she got bail. Her financee came for her. The constable says that she is mental. Meanwhile, Neeti hugs Sanju. Parineet says that she don’t have time to see this drama. She is here to file an another complaint. She asks Neeti about the pendent. She says that she got it from her cupboard. She tried to prove that she is Parineet. Parineet says to the inspector that she stole it from her cupboard. She filed an another complaint to her. She adds that Babli gifted it to her because she is her look-alike. The constable takes Neeti from there and locked her. The prisoner makes fun Neeti again. Sanju blocked Parineet’s way. She threatens him to file an complaint against him. She leaves from there.

Episode end

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