Parineetii 9th February 2023 Written Update: Sukhwinder learns the truth

Parineetii 9th February 2023 Written Update On

he episode starts with Bebe informing Sukhwinder that someone kidnapped Neeti from the temple. Parminder consoled her. Rajeev contacts Monty and narrates everything to him. Parminder snatches the phone from him and inquires him what happened? He asks her to reach the hospital. Monty reveals to them that Neeti was shot. Bebe says that she had already warned them that Parineet was a bad omen. Meanwhile, Rajeev prays for Neeti. Parineet recalls her moments with Neeti. The nurse informs Parineet that Neeti lost a lot of blood. She was already dehydrated, so her baby’s life was in danger. Neeti blames herself for her state. Rajeev consoles her. Parineet says that Bebe was right. She is a bad omen. If she wouldn’t have accompanied them to the temple, then Rakesh wouldn’t have followed them to kidnap her. Rajeev tells her that everything is going according to their destiny. It’s not her fault. Parineet leaves from there in determination.

Bebe and her family members reached the hospital. Parineet asks the god why she is punishing Neeti like that. She is carrying a child. She lied to her and betrayed Neeti, so she shouldn’t punish her. Parineet burns her hand to pray for Neeti’s safety. Sukhwinder wishes to meet Parineet. She fears that Parineet will be broken after seeing her state. Babli took Sukhwinder from there. Rajeev stops Parineet from burning her hand. Parineet shares her grief with Rajeev. Rajeev asks her to pray for Neeti’s recovery. She shouldn’t take the blame on her. Parineet says that Neeti doesn’t know they are husband and wife. She is betraying her. Rajeev tells her that he tried to reveal the truth to Neeti but she became pregnant at that time. He hid the truth from her without option. Rajeev gets a phone call and leaves from there. Sukhwinder hears their conversation.

Parineet apologizes to god for hiding the truth from Neeti, but she has no other option in her hand. She prays for her recovery. Parineet notices the weather is not good. She hugs Sukhwinder and cries her heart out. She shares her grief with her. Sukhwinder recalls Bebe’s words. She demands Parineet stop calling her mom. Bebe was right. She was a bad omen. She betrayed her own sister. She allowed Parineet to stay in her house but she broke her house. She considered her as her sister but she snatched her husband from her. She became her sautan. Parineet says that she misunderstood her. Sukhwinder says that she found her true colors today. Because of her, Neeti is in this state. Bebe was right. She was a bad omen. Because of her, Neeti and her baby were in this state. She won’t leave her if something happens to her. She betrayed Neeti and pushed her into this state. She supported Parineet in front of Bebe, unaware of her true colors.

Parineet tries to explain her situation to her. But Sukhwinder slaps Parineet and questions her why she betrayed her. Sukhwinder says that she backstabbed her. She married Neeti’s husband. She heard their conversation. Parineet is an evil. She shouldn’t have entered into Neeti’s life. When Neeti comes to know the truth, she will hate her to the core. She doesn’t even try to see her face. Sukhwinder says that she won’t hide this matter from Neeti. Parineet tries to convince her. Sukhwinder tells her that she will reveal Parineeti’s true colors to her. Neeti doesn’t deserve such a friend in her life. Rajeev recalls the past.
The doctor informs Rajeev that Neeti has lost blood. He called the senior doctor to check on Neeti. He feels guilty seeing Neeti’s state.
Rajeev informs Parminder about the doctor’s statement. Bebe tells him it seems her baby died in her womb before entering this world. Parminder asks her to stop talking negative.

Episode end

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