Parineetii Upcoming Story: Neeti to take a move against Sanju

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Parineeti is a popular Colors TV show. This show always keeps its viewers hooked on the show with many revelations and twists. Now, the series focuses on Neeti’s hate for Parineet

In a recent episode, we see Neeti says that Parineet is a characterless. Sanju asked her to stop it. He says that Parineet is his wife. He married her before Neeti. Neeti was hurt and leaves from there. Mehra was shocked to learn the truth.

Sanju hugged Parineet. Neeti informed Sukhwinder that Sanju mentioned Parineet as his wife in front of everyone. She said to her that she won’t leave them. Gurinder misunderstood Parineet and scold her.

Sukhwinder confronted Sanju. He tell her that he said the truth Parineet is his wife. Sukhwinder slaps him. Parineet is shocked. She asks him if she is his wife then who is Neeti? Parminder asked Sukhwinder to stop it. Bebe provoked Neeti against Sanju.

In the upcoming episode viewers will see; Neeti say to Bebe that Sanju going to pay for his deeds. Sanju will say to Parineet that he tried a lot make Neeti understand . He can’t do it anymore. Meanwhile, Sukhwinder will inform Bajwa’s family that Neeti filed a divorce in the court. If anyone want to save Neeti and Sanju’s relationship then attend the court hearing.

What will happen next? Will Rajeev find the truth? Will Bebe’s truth be disclosed?

The upcoming episode will answer all our questions. Stay tuned to our space for more updates

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