Parineetii Upcoming Story: Neeti’s plan backfires

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Parineeti is a popular Colors TV show. This show never fails to entertain its audience with a unique story line. Now, the series focuses on Neeti feeling embarrassed in front of Sanju’s boss.

In a recent episode, we see, Neeti ordered food from the famous hotel in Chandigarh. Bebe appreciated her idea. She said to Bebe that it was a famous hotel. Sanju’s boss definitely likes this dish. She asked the delivery boy to deliver it to the back door.

Later, Rajeev worried about his promotion. Parineet motivates him. She said to him that his boss giving promotion to him depends on his hard work, not on cooking. She assured him to serve tasty food to his boss.

His boss and wife visited Rajeev’s house. Rajeev introduced his family members to them. Neeti sarcastically introduced Parineet as her friend and informed them Rajeev was going on a foreign trip.

Later, Parineet noticed the chole was burnt. Bebe pretended to scold her. Neeti asked Parineet to stop worrying. She wasn’t his wife to worry about. She assured her to deal with it.

Sanju’s boss revealed to them that he had seen the delivery boy. He delivered the food in front of him. Neeti felt embarrassed in front of everyone. Parminder asked Parineet to serve her food.

In the upcoming episode viewers will see; Neeti will notice Parineet and Rajeev close together. Neeti will ask Bebe to do something to stop Parineet from entering the kitchen or Sanju tasting her cooking.

Bebe will release the cylinder tube. Neeti will be shocked to see Rajeev about to light the stove.

What will happen next? When will Parineet reveal the truth to Neeti?

Will Rajeev get caught?

The upcoming episode will answer all our questions and stay in tune with our space for more updates.

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