Pashminna Dhaage Mohabbat Ka 6th February 2024 Written Update: Pashminna gets engaged to Rishi

Pashminna Dhaage Mohabbat Ka 6th February 2024 Written Update on

Episode begins with Dolly tells Minty that Pashminna will join her team because Minty is mother in law of Pashminna. Minty tells Dolly that she and Pashminna are friends. Rishi and Preeti comes there. Rishi tells them that engagement will happen in Shiv temple.

On the other hand, Raghav calls Pashminna but no response from other side. He sends voice note to Pashminna. In that voice note, Raghav claims that he is coming to Kashmir to apologize to Pashminna. He says that they will create new world together. He tells her that he loves her and he can’t live without her. Pashminna notices notification. Rishi comes there.

Moina calls Preeti and tells her that Raghav can walk now and he is coming to Kashmir for Pashminna. Preeti gets shocked hearing this. She tells Moina to stop Raghav because she don’t want to see Raghav around Pashminna. Moina tells Preeti that she tried to stop Raghav but she failed that’s why she called the latter. She says that Raghav will call Pashminna for sure. Preeti takes Pashminna’s phone. Rishi takes Pashminna from there.

Raghav tells Atul that Pashminna did not reply him yet and he is confused. Reva tells him to go and meet Pashminna.

In the temple, everyone clicks selfies. Preeti recalls Moina’s words. She thinks that she won’t let Pashminna know about Raghav. Preeti hears voice note of Raghav and she deletes it. She thinks that she know she don’t have rights to take decision but she don’t have any other choice. She recalls that how Raghav’s family mistreated Pashminna.

In the past, Pashminna tells Raghav that he is fighter and he will become fine. Raghav tells her that Moina was right. He blames her for his condition. She tells him that she will make everything fine. He tells her that she can’t do anything so she should leave. She refuses to go. She says that she know Raghav is talking like this to send her. He tells her that he is in the wheelchair and she can’t understand him. He says that his hatred for her will keep increasing if she stayed in front of him then. He asks her to leave from his life.

Atul asks Raghav that why the latter is talking like this. Moina asks Atul that can’t he see Raghav’s pain. She pushes Pashminna. Preeti tells them that no one has rights to treat Pashminna like this. She says that Raghav’s family don’t deserve Pashminna. Moina tells Preeti to leave from there with Pashminna. Preeti drags Pashminna from there. Pashminna pleads Raghav to stop her.

In the present, Dolly says that they should begin the engagement. Pashminna and Rishi exchanges rings. Preeti thinks that she won’t let Raghav play with Pashminna’s life.

Moina asks Ayesha to stop Raghav. Ayesha tells Moina that she won’t support the latter. Raghav recalls that how he sent Pashminna from his life. He thinks that he took that decision to save Pashminna.

Episode ends.

Precap – Moina thinks that Preeti won’t let Raghav meet Pashminna. Preeti meets Raghav.

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