Pyaar Ka Pehla Adhyaya Shiv Shakti Upcoming Story: Shakti to challenge Mandira

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Zee TV’s popular show Pyaar Ka Pehla Adhyaya Shiv Shakti is attracting viewers with an interesting storyline. Currently, Shakti coerces the Magistrate.

As reported earlier, Shakti sees that the hospital staff are about to give electric shock to Shiv. Shakti says to the magistrate that this is illegal and she asks the Magistrate to stop this right away. The magistrate stays silent.

Shakti seeing this takes out her phone and records a video saying that in this government hospital they are giving electric shock to a patient and according to the law it is a crime and says the hospital staff can only give electric shock to patient with the consent of their family but the hospital staff here haven’t taken their consent.

Shakti says this is all happening under the instructions of this Magistrate Gautam Sharma. Shakti says and the mastermind behind all of this is Mandira.

Mandira says to Shakti that they are just acting as if they are going to give electric shock to prove that Shiv is acting. Shakti says to the magistrate that she will make this video viral in 5 min if they don’t stop giving electric shock to Shiv. The magistrate orders the hospital staff not to give electric shock to Shiv.

Shakti says she will make this video viral as she knows if she hasn’t done this video they would have given electric shock to Shiv. Magistrate asks Shakti not to do it and says he will sign that Shiv is mentally unstable. The magistrate signs on the documents. Shakti’s family comes and takes Shiv away from there.

In the upcoming episode viewers are going to witness Lakshmi says to Shakti and Raghunath that she called the people from mental asylum as Shiv is really mentally unstable so he can’t stay here.

Shakti asks Mandira who is she to send Shiv to mental asylum. Shakti says to Mandira that she can play how many games she wants but Shakti will not allow Shiv to leave this house and Shakti is ready to fight for it.

What will happen next?

Will Shakti be able to prove Shiv’s innocence?

All these questions will be answered in the upcoming episodes.

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