Rabb Se Hai Dua 20th October 2024 Written Update: Mannat gets fired on Kayanat

Rabb Se Hai Dua 20th October 2024 Written Update on SerialGossip.in

The episode starts with Kayanat who becomes panicked to see the injury of Subhan, she asks to call the doctor. But Subhan has the faith on Ibaadat that she will give him the proper treatment. Ibaadat also becomes surprised to see the trust of Subhan. She brings the first aid box to give the bandage.

Dua gets vehemently angry on Mannat for attempting murder on Subhan. But Mannat doesn’t want to listen any suggestion from anyone else. Meanwhile Kayanat comes there and lashes out Mannat for hurting Subhan. She realises her own mistakes for choosing Mannat over Ibaadat. Mannat gets furious being accused. But Kayanat doesn’t want to regard her as her daughter in law anymore. She proceeds to attack Mannat and claims Mannat has destroyed the life of Subhan. Being furious, Mannat intentionally throws a flower vase towards Kayanat.

Back to the scene, Ibaadat treats the injury of Subhan with utmost care. He becomes shared to see the concern of Ibaadat for him. Obtaining the love from his wife, he becomes totally silent. He realises his own mistakes and asks the apology to Ibaadat. Inspite of having the trust, he mistakes to identify the real character of Ibaadat.

Ibaadat becomes very emotional to hear the soft voice of Subhan. Subhan knees down to her to apology and he asks one chance from Ibaadat so that he could also prove his love for Ibaadat. Ibaadat melts down with the words of Subhan and hugs him tightly. They come closer again but this time there is a honesty between them. He brings his face near her to kiss her cheeks. She feels extremely shy. She can’t believe the moment.

Suddenly, Subhan gets the message from the office and gets the information of stealing their idea. Later, Ibaadat meets a staff to read out all the conditions before signing it but the staff doesn’t want her to read out those papers. Finally, Ibaadat signs all the papers.

Mannat is asked to stop by Gulnaaz but she struggles to resist her from hurting Kayanat.

Listening the scream of Subhan, Ibaadat runs inside his room and becomes afraid to see a lizard. Failed to control her balance, she falls upon Subhan. At the same time, Mannat comes inside their room and gets fired to see them closer.

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