Rabb Se Hai Dua 22nd January 2024 Written Update: Haider lashes out at Hina

Rabb Se Hai Dua 22nd January 2024 Written Update on SerialGossip.in

The episode starts with the doctor informing Dua that Gazal and her baby is alright. She didn’t abort her baby. She shows her sonography to her. She says that baby is safe. Dua and Haider gets happy to see the sonography. Haider says that Dua is her mom so nothing wrong will happen to her. Dua asks Hina if she can see Gazal in this baby? Doesn’t they want to see her grandchildren. She asks her to have some god’s fear. Haider’s blood is running on this baby’s blood. Dua says to Gulnaaz and Hameeda that they are worshipping to God. It’s a wrong to abort a baby. She says to Hameeda that she reacted a lot when it comes to her grandson’s life. She stopped them on that day and blacken their face. She is also doing the same. Dua asks her why did she done like this? Hameeda says that a mom did it all. She won’t understand it all now. When this blood will try to harm her own blood Dua can understand her intentions were true. She will cry to her on that day.

Hina says that Gazal’s dirty blood is running on this baby’s body. One day this baby will resembles like her mom. On that day she will understand that they were not wrong. She will realise it on that day. She was busy in saving that baby. She forgot that Haider isn’t interested in this baby. He doesn’t like Gazal carrying his baby. She will blackmail our family using this baby. She hates Gazal but she loves her baby. Dua says that she is going to upbring this baby. It’s Haider’s blood. Gazal will go to jail after she give birth to this baby. If she upbring this baby how will this baby reflect like Gazal? If they thinking she can’t raise a baby in a well manners. Hameeda is adamant in her decision. Dua says that they carried babies in their womb. They can understand the pain of a mom. It’s a sin to abort baby. She said that they will be punished for forcing her.

Dua expressed her love for that baby. She says that her trust was broken because of them. Gazal calls Dua. Gazal gained her consciousness. Gazal asks her why did she saved her? She asks her to let her die. She saved her baby. She asks her to forgive her. She saved her from this mess. She ruined her life and snatched her happiness. Though she saved her. Gazal hugs Dua and thanked her. Gazal says that she never saw such a cunning person. She tried to kill her baby and acting like saving her baby. She pushed her. Haider holds her. Haider says that she saved her baby. Gazal says that it’s our baby. Gazal said that Dua planned this all along with Hameeda, Hina and Gulnaaz. Gulnaaz says to Dua that she showed her true colors to them. She was supporting her. Gazal lashes out at them. Gazal says that she is going far from them. They will kill her baby.

Dua says that she is carrying her baby. Gazal says that it’s her baby. She is going far from their life. She will return to their life after she gave birth to this baby. She will inform her baby that Haider is her father. Dua stops them from going behind Gazal. Gazal thinks that she have to leave from here or else they will kill her. Dua says that if he runs behind Gazal then something will happen to her baby. Haider says that she took our baby with her. How will we save this baby? A car approaching Gazal. Meanwhile, Kaynaat thinks that they can’t do any work properly. Haider lashes out at them for trying to abort Gazal’s baby. He says that they tried to kill his baby. We decided to send Gazal to the jail after she gave birth to the baby. Haider asks them who gave this idea to them? Rahat says that Gulnaaz would have given that idea. Gulnaaz changes her words. Haider says that he can understand Gulnaaz’s mentality. How could Hina supports it? Dua gets down from the car. Haider says to Hameeda that he respected her a lot. He never thought she would do like that. Hameeda blames Gulnaaz. Gazal argues with Dua on the road. Dua forces Gazal to get inside the car. Gazal says that she will ruin her life. Dua says that she already did it. It’s her destiny to give birth to her baby in Akhthar’s mansion. She will go to the jail after that.

Episode end

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